# Callout Editor for Obsidian English | [中文](README_CN.md) Elevate your note-taking experience in Obsidian with the Callout Editor plugin. Designed to enrich your notes with a visually organized structure, the Callout Editor seamlessly integrates advanced callout functionalities directly into Obsidian's command palette. Craft your notes with precision and ease, bringing clarity and efficiency to your workflow. ## Features - **Dynamic Callout Columns**: Instantly insert two, three, four, or five columns within your notes through Obsidian's command palette (`Ctrl/Cmd + P`), enhancing the layout and readability of your content. - **Real-time Color Customization**: Hover over the bottom-right corner of any card to summon the color selector, offering a palette of colors to categorize and personalize your notes visually. - **Seamless Content Expansion**: With a simple click on the add button located at the right side of your current card, effortlessly introduce a new card to your cascading layout, enabling fluid content addition without breaking your flow. - **Intuitive Content Saving**: Secure your modifications by clicking anywhere outside the current callout text box, ensuring your changes are saved instantly and automatically. ## Installation Please Refer: [How to install Obsidian Plugins](https://forum.obsidian.md/t/plugins-mini-faq/7737) 1. Create a folder `obsidian-callout-editor` 2. Download `main.js, manifest.json, styles.css` 3. Put the downloaded files into the folder 4. Put the folder in YourVault/.obsidian/plugins 5. Reload the plugins in Obsidian settings or restart Obsidian ## Usage ### Inserting Columns - Activate Obsidian's command palette with `Ctrl/Cmd + P`. - Type and select `Callout Editor: insert two columns` (or three, four, five as per your need) to structure your note instantly. ### Changing Colors - Hover over the bottom-right corner of a callout card to display the color selector. - Select your desired color to apply to the card, categorizing your content visually. ### Adding New Cards - Click the add button on the right side of a card to add a new card directly beside it, facilitating seamless content expansion. ### Saving Changes - Click anywhere outside the current editing callout to save your changes automatically. ## Contributing Contributions to the Callout Editor are warmly welcomed. Whether it's feature requests, bug reports, or code contributions, feel free to reach out or submit a pull request on [GitHub](https://github.com/wnhllh/obsidian-callout-editor).