# Important! Never install `astro` even when new version is in registry prefer-workspace-packages=true link-workspace-packages=true save-workspace-protocol=false # This prevents the examples to have the `workspace:` prefix shamefully-hoist=true # TODO: We would like to move to individual opt-in hoisting, but Astro was not originally # written with this in mind. In the future, it would be good to hoist individual packages only. # public-hoist-pattern[]=autoprefixer # public-hoist-pattern[]=astro # public-hoist-pattern[]=remark-* # public-hoist-pattern[]=rehype-* # public-hoist-pattern[]=react # public-hoist-pattern[]=react-dom # public-hoist-pattern[]=preact # public-hoist-pattern[]=preact-render-to-string # public-hoist-pattern[]=vue # public-hoist-pattern[]=svelte # public-hoist-pattern[]=solid-js # public-hoist-pattern[]=lit # public-hoist-pattern[]=@webcomponents/template-shadowroot