Restful factory for AngularJS.
bower install restify
<script src="bower_components/restify/dist/restify.min.js">
# declare restify as a dependency of your application module
app = angular.module('yourModule',['restify'])
# create a service by injecting restify and using its factory function
# note: you should probably create one service for the whole api
# and then pass it all over the place
app.factory 'API', ['restify',(restify)->
# restify
# gets a base url and a configuration block
# returns a Restified Object
restify '/api' , (config)->
# add your endpoints
# inject your service and start playing
app.controller 'MyCtrl',['$scope', 'API', ($scope, API)->
# GET /api/users
API.users.$get().then (users)->
$scope.users = users
$scope.userImages = (user)->
# provided that == 123
# GET /api/users/123/images
user.images.$uget().then (images)->
user.images = images
$scope.create = (user)->
# PUT /api/users
$ = (user)->
# provided that == 123
# PUT /api/users/123
$scope.changePassword = (user, password)->
# provided that == 123
# PATCH /api/users/123
user.$patch({password: password})
$scope.remove (user)->
user.$delete().then ()->
$scope.users = _.without($scope.users,user)
<li ng-repeat="user in users">
<input type="text" ng-model="">
<input type="text" ng-model="">
<button ng-click="save(user)">Save</button>
<button ng-click="remove(user)">Remove</button>
<button ng-click="getImages(user)">See Images</button>
<li ng-repeat="image in user.images">
<img src="{{image.src}}" alt="{{image.alt}}">
Owned properties are ment to be used internally, don't mess with them!
- $$url
- $$route
- $$parent
- $$headers
- $$requestInterceptor
- $$responseInterceptor
- $get(): getting the response and restifying it
- $uget(): getting the response without restifying it
- $delete():
- $post([data]): If data is not provided then this object is sent stripped from functions or Restified objects.
- $patch([data]): If data is not provided then this object is sent stripped from functions or Restified objects.
- $put([data]): If data is not provided then this object is sent stripped from functions or Restified objects.
Configuration methods(see below)
- $setHeaders(headers)
- $setResponseInterceptor(callback)
- $setRequestInterceptor(callback)
All restified object inherits configuration from its parent chain and may override it
# parent chain: api > users > user
users = api.users
user = users.$id(123)
api.$setHeaders({'X-AUTH-TOKEN': 123})
user.$get() # sends X-AUTH-TOKEN: 123
users.$setHeaders({'X-AUTH-TOKEN': 456})
user.$get() # sends X-AUTH-TOKEN: 456
api.$get() # still sends X-AUTH-TOKEN: 123
# note: $id creates a new restified object
sameUser = users.$id(123)
user !== sameUser # true
# note: every request data creates a new restified object
user !== sameUser # true