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Project Description

An accessible customer relationship management system, which can be used for storing a company's client and project database.

Table of Contents

Functionality / Technologies Used
Usage Instructions
Future Development

Functionality / Technologies Used

Functionality here

Technologies used:

  1. Node Js

  2. Javascript

  3. Handlebars

  4. Lodash

  5. Express Js

  6. MySql

  7. Sequelize

Usage Instructions

  1. In the homepage, you will be directed to a login form. Please enter your credentials (email and password) to sign in. Alternatively, you can sign up if you are a new user.

  2. In the top left, the "ProjectHub" logo will navigate you to the dashboard.

  3. At the top left of the navigation, there are multiple selections.

  4. Click on "Home" to be taken back to the dashboard from anywhere in the site.

  5. Click on "Clients" to view a list of all clients in the ProjectHub database. You can then select "View File" to view a client's projects and personal details. At the top of the clients page, you can also search for a client using their first name.

  6. Click on "Projects" to view a list of all projects in the ProjectHub database. You can then select "View Project" to view a project's specifications and a map overview of the property location. In the project page, you can also opt to delete a project from the database.

  7. Certain functions are only available to users who have been authenticated upon logging in to the site. This includes editing and deleting stored data.

Future Development

  • Edit/Delete Records: giving the website full CRUD like features, which in turn makes the website more useful.

  • Pagination: pages displaying lists of records could be paginated so that the webpage can load faster and so that the user is not overwhelmed with information.

  • Export CSV data: Abitliy to export clients and projects database as an CSV file to be able to load into a spreadsheet and do calculations with

  • Editing Clients: Option for a user to edit a client's personal details in the individual client page.


image image image image


  1. Lodash -

  2. Sequelize 7 API -

  3. Express.js -

  4. Google Maps Platform API -

  5. Bootstrap -


ProjectHub: The easy way to manage your project and client data






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Contributors 4
