Federated Learning Benchmark - Federated Learning on Non-IID Data Silos: An Experimental Study (ICDE 2022)
This repository contains the official implementation for the manuscript: Make Landscape Flatter in Differentially Private Federated Learning (2023 CVPR)
Benchmark of federated learning. Dedicated to the community. 🤗
An easy-to-use federated learning platform
Implemented in Python, this project centers on a Privacy-Preserving Authentication System for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET). Covering certificate generation and verification, it aims to boost V…
Breaching privacy in federated learning scenarios for vision and text
deep learning for image processing including classification and object-detection etc.
A curated list of resources for model inversion attack (MIA).
Membership Inference, Attribute Inference and Model Inversion attacks implemented using PyTorch.
Transfer learning / domain adaptation / domain generalization / multi-task learning etc. Papers, codes, datasets, applications, tutorials.-迁移学习
Softlearning is a reinforcement learning framework for training maximum entropy policies in continuous domains. Includes the official implementation of the Soft Actor-Critic algorithm.
Fault-tolerant, highly scalable GPU orchestration, and a machine learning framework designed for training models with billions to trillions of parameters
Code & supplementary material of the paper Label Inference Attacks Against Federated Learning on Usenix Security 2022.
Code Repo for paper Label Leakage and Protection in Two-party Split Learning (ICLR 2022).
Reinforcement learning algorithms implemented for Tensorflow 2.0+ [DQN, DDPG, AE-DDPG, SAC, PPO, Primal-Dual DDPG]
Dap-FL: Federated Learning flourishes by adaptive tuning and secure aggregation
FedScale is a scalable and extensible open-source federated learning (FL) platform.
Implementation of dp-based federated learning framework using PyTorch
Everything you want about DP-Based Federated Learning, including Papers and Code. (Mechanism: Laplace or Gaussian, Dataset: femnist, shakespeare, mnist, cifar-10 and fashion-mnist. )
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Simulate a federated setting and run differentially private federated learning.
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