#!/usr/bin/env python # # trace Trace a function and print a trace message based on its # parameters, with an optional filter. # # USAGE: trace [-h] [-p PID] [-v] [-Z STRING_SIZE] [-S] [-M MAX_EVENTS] [-o] # probe [probe ...] # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # Copyright (C) 2016 Sasha Goldshtein. from bcc import BPF, USDT from functools import partial from time import sleep, strftime import argparse import re import ctypes as ct import os import traceback import sys class Time(object): # BPF timestamps come from the monotonic clock. To be able to filter # and compare them from Python, we need to invoke clock_gettime. # Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/a/1205762 CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW = 4 # see class timespec(ct.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('tv_sec', ct.c_long), ('tv_nsec', ct.c_long) ] librt = ct.CDLL('librt.so.1', use_errno=True) clock_gettime = librt.clock_gettime clock_gettime.argtypes = [ct.c_int, ct.POINTER(timespec)] @staticmethod def monotonic_time(): t = Time.timespec() if Time.clock_gettime( Time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, ct.pointer(t)) != 0: errno_ = ct.get_errno() raise OSError(errno_, os.strerror(errno_)) return t.tv_sec * 1e9 + t.tv_nsec class Probe(object): probe_count = 0 max_events = None event_count = 0 first_ts = 0 use_localtime = True pid = -1 @classmethod def configure(cls, args): cls.max_events = args.max_events cls.use_localtime = not args.offset cls.first_ts = Time.monotonic_time() cls.pid = args.pid or -1 def __init__(self, probe, string_size, kernel_stack, user_stack): self.usdt = None self.raw_probe = probe self.string_size = string_size self.kernel_stack = kernel_stack self.user_stack = user_stack Probe.probe_count += 1 self._parse_probe() self.probe_num = Probe.probe_count self.probe_name = "probe_%s_%d" % \ (self._display_function(), self.probe_num) def __str__(self): return "%s:%s:%s FLT=%s ACT=%s/%s" % (self.probe_type, self.library, self._display_function(), self.filter, self.types, self.values) def is_default_action(self): return self.python_format == "" def _bail(self, error): raise ValueError("error in probe '%s': %s" % (self.raw_probe, error)) def _parse_probe(self): text = self.raw_probe # Everything until the first space is the probe specifier first_space = text.find(' ') spec = text[:first_space] if first_space >= 0 else text self._parse_spec(spec) if first_space >= 0: text = text[first_space:].lstrip() else: text = "" # If we now have a (, wait for the balanced closing ) and that # will be the predicate self.filter = None if len(text) > 0 and text[0] == "(": balance = 1 for i in range(1, len(text)): if text[i] == "(": balance += 1 if text[i] == ")": balance -= 1 if balance == 0: self._parse_filter(text[:i+1]) text = text[i+1:] break if self.filter is None: self._bail("unmatched end of predicate") if self.filter is None: self.filter = "1" # The remainder of the text is the printf action self._parse_action(text.lstrip()) def _parse_spec(self, spec): parts = spec.split(":") # Two special cases: 'func' means 'p::func', 'lib:func' means # 'p:lib:func'. Other combinations need to provide an empty # value between delimiters, e.g. 'r::func' for a kretprobe on # the function func. if len(parts) == 1: parts = ["p", "", parts[0]] elif len(parts) == 2: parts = ["p", parts[0], parts[1]] if len(parts[0]) == 0: self.probe_type = "p" elif parts[0] in ["p", "r", "t", "u"]: self.probe_type = parts[0] else: self._bail("probe type must be '', 'p', 't', 'r', " + "or 'u', but got '%s'" % parts[0]) if self.probe_type == "t": self.tp_category = parts[1] self.tp_event = parts[2] self.library = "" # kernel self.function = "" # generated from TRACEPOINT_PROBE elif self.probe_type == "u": self.library = parts[1] self.usdt_name = parts[2] self.function = "" # no function, just address # We will discover the USDT provider by matching on # the USDT name in the specified library self._find_usdt_probe() else: self.library = parts[1] self.function = parts[2] def _find_usdt_probe(self): self.usdt = USDT(path=self.library, pid=Probe.pid) for probe in self.usdt.enumerate_probes(): if probe.name == self.usdt_name: return # Found it, will enable later self._bail("unrecognized USDT probe %s" % self.usdt_name) def _parse_filter(self, filt): self.filter = self._replace_args(filt) def _parse_types(self, fmt): for match in re.finditer( r'[^%]%(s|u|d|llu|lld|hu|hd|x|llx|c)', fmt): self.types.append(match.group(1)) fmt = re.sub(r'([^%]%)(u|d|llu|lld|hu|hd)', r'\1d', fmt) fmt = re.sub(r'([^%]%)(x|llx)', r'\1x', fmt) self.python_format = fmt.strip('"') def _parse_action(self, action): self.values = [] self.types = [] self.python_format = "" if len(action) == 0: return action = action.strip() match = re.search(r'(\".*\"),?(.*)', action) if match is None: self._bail("expected format string in \"s") self.raw_format = match.group(1) self._parse_types(self.raw_format) for part in match.group(2).split(','): part = self._replace_args(part) if len(part) > 0: self.values.append(part) aliases = { "retval": "PT_REGS_RC(ctx)", "arg1": "PT_REGS_PARM1(ctx)", "arg2": "PT_REGS_PARM2(ctx)", "arg3": "PT_REGS_PARM3(ctx)", "arg4": "PT_REGS_PARM4(ctx)", "arg5": "PT_REGS_PARM5(ctx)", "arg6": "PT_REGS_PARM6(ctx)", "$uid": "(unsigned)(bpf_get_current_uid_gid() & 0xffffffff)", "$gid": "(unsigned)(bpf_get_current_uid_gid() >> 32)", "$pid": "(unsigned)(bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() & 0xffffffff)", "$tgid": "(unsigned)(bpf_get_current_pid_tgid() >> 32)", "$cpu": "bpf_get_smp_processor_id()" } def _replace_args(self, expr): for alias, replacement in Probe.aliases.items(): # For USDT probes, we replace argN values with the # actual arguments for that probe obtained using special # bpf_readarg_N macros emitted at BPF construction. if alias.startswith("arg") and self.probe_type == "u": continue expr = expr.replace(alias, replacement) return expr p_type = { "u": ct.c_uint, "d": ct.c_int, "llu": ct.c_ulonglong, "lld": ct.c_longlong, "hu": ct.c_ushort, "hd": ct.c_short, "x": ct.c_uint, "llx": ct.c_ulonglong, "c": ct.c_ubyte } def _generate_python_field_decl(self, idx, fields): field_type = self.types[idx] if field_type == "s": ptype = ct.c_char * self.string_size else: ptype = Probe.p_type[field_type] fields.append(("v%d" % idx, ptype)) def _generate_python_data_decl(self): self.python_struct_name = "%s_%d_Data" % \ (self._display_function(), self.probe_num) fields = [ ("timestamp_ns", ct.c_ulonglong), ("pid", ct.c_uint), ("comm", ct.c_char * 16) # TASK_COMM_LEN ] for i in range(0, len(self.types)): self._generate_python_field_decl(i, fields) if self.kernel_stack: fields.append(("kernel_stack_id", ct.c_int)) if self.user_stack: fields.append(("user_stack_id", ct.c_int)) return type(self.python_struct_name, (ct.Structure,), dict(_fields_=fields)) c_type = { "u": "unsigned int", "d": "int", "llu": "unsigned long long", "lld": "long long", "hu": "unsigned short", "hd": "short", "x": "unsigned int", "llx": "unsigned long long", "c": "char" } fmt_types = c_type.keys() def _generate_field_decl(self, idx): field_type = self.types[idx] if field_type == "s": return "char v%d[%d];\n" % (idx, self.string_size) if field_type in Probe.fmt_types: return "%s v%d;\n" % (Probe.c_type[field_type], idx) self._bail("unrecognized format specifier %s" % field_type) def _generate_data_decl(self): # The BPF program will populate values into the struct # according to the format string, and the Python program will # construct the final display string. self.events_name = "%s_events" % self.probe_name self.struct_name = "%s_data_t" % self.probe_name self.stacks_name = "%s_stacks" % self.probe_name stack_table = "BPF_STACK_TRACE(%s, 1024);" % self.stacks_name \ if (self.kernel_stack or self.user_stack) else "" data_fields = "" for i, field_type in enumerate(self.types): data_fields += " " + \ self._generate_field_decl(i) kernel_stack_str = " int kernel_stack_id;" \ if self.kernel_stack else "" user_stack_str = " int user_stack_id;" \ if self.user_stack else "" text = """ struct %s { u64 timestamp_ns; u32 pid; char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN]; %s %s %s }; BPF_PERF_OUTPUT(%s); %s """ return text % (self.struct_name, data_fields, kernel_stack_str, user_stack_str, self.events_name, stack_table) def _generate_field_assign(self, idx): field_type = self.types[idx] expr = self.values[idx].strip() text = "" if self.probe_type == "u" and expr[0:3] == "arg": text = (" u64 %s;\n" + " bpf_usdt_readarg(%s, ctx, &%s);\n") % \ (expr, expr[3], expr) if field_type == "s": return text + """ if (%s != 0) { bpf_probe_read(&__data.v%d, sizeof(__data.v%d), (void *)%s); } """ % (expr, idx, idx, expr) if field_type in Probe.fmt_types: return text + " __data.v%d = (%s)%s;\n" % \ (idx, Probe.c_type[field_type], expr) self._bail("unrecognized field type %s" % field_type) def _generate_usdt_filter_read(self): text = "" if self.probe_type == "u": for arg, _ in Probe.aliases.items(): if not (arg.startswith("arg") and (arg in self.filter)): continue arg_index = int(arg.replace("arg", "")) arg_ctype = self.usdt.get_probe_arg_ctype( self.usdt_name, arg_index) if not arg_ctype: self._bail("Unable to determine type of {} " "in the filter".format(arg)) text += """ {} {}_filter; bpf_usdt_readarg({}, ctx, &{}_filter); """.format(arg_ctype, arg, arg_index, arg) self.filter = self.filter.replace( arg, "{}_filter".format(arg)) return text def generate_program(self, include_self): data_decl = self._generate_data_decl() # kprobes don't have built-in pid filters, so we have to add # it to the function body: if len(self.library) == 0 and Probe.pid != -1: pid_filter = """ u32 __pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid(); if (__pid != %d) { return 0; } """ % Probe.pid elif not include_self: pid_filter = """ u32 __pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid(); if (__pid == %d) { return 0; } """ % os.getpid() else: pid_filter = "" prefix = "" signature = "struct pt_regs *ctx" data_fields = "" for i, expr in enumerate(self.values): data_fields += self._generate_field_assign(i) stack_trace = "" if self.user_stack: stack_trace += """ __data.user_stack_id = %s.get_stackid( ctx, BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID | BPF_F_USER_STACK );""" % self.stacks_name if self.kernel_stack: stack_trace += """ __data.kernel_stack_id = %s.get_stackid( ctx, BPF_F_REUSE_STACKID );""" % self.stacks_name if self.probe_type == "t": heading = "TRACEPOINT_PROBE(%s, %s)" % \ (self.tp_category, self.tp_event) ctx_name = "args" else: heading = "int %s(%s)" % (self.probe_name, signature) ctx_name = "ctx" text = heading + """ { %s %s %s if (!(%s)) return 0; struct %s __data = {0}; __data.timestamp_ns = bpf_ktime_get_ns(); __data.pid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid(); bpf_get_current_comm(&__data.comm, sizeof(__data.comm)); %s %s %s.perf_submit(%s, &__data, sizeof(__data)); return 0; } """ text = text % (pid_filter, prefix, self._generate_usdt_filter_read(), self.filter, self.struct_name, data_fields, stack_trace, self.events_name, ctx_name) return data_decl + "\n" + text @classmethod def _time_off_str(cls, timestamp_ns): return "%.6f" % (1e-9 * (timestamp_ns - cls.first_ts)) def _display_function(self): if self.probe_type == 'p' or self.probe_type == 'r': return self.function elif self.probe_type == 'u': return self.usdt_name else: # self.probe_type == 't' return self.tp_event def print_stack(self, bpf, stack_id, pid): if stack_id < 0: print(" %d" % stack_id) return stack = list(bpf.get_table(self.stacks_name).walk(stack_id)) for addr in stack: print(" %016x %s" % (addr, bpf.sym(addr, pid))) def print_event(self, bpf, cpu, data, size): # Cast as the generated structure type and display # according to the format string in the probe. event = ct.cast(data, ct.POINTER(self.python_struct)).contents values = map(lambda i: getattr(event, "v%d" % i), range(0, len(self.values))) msg = self.python_format % tuple(values) time = strftime("%H:%M:%S") if Probe.use_localtime else \ Probe._time_off_str(event.timestamp_ns) print("%-8s %-6d %-12s %-16s %s" % \ (time[:8], event.pid, event.comm[:12], self._display_function(), msg)) if self.user_stack: print(" User Stack Trace:") self.print_stack(bpf, event.user_stack_id, event.pid) if self.kernel_stack: print(" Kernel Stack Trace:") self.print_stack(bpf, event.kernel_stack_id, -1) if self.user_stack or self.kernel_stack: print("") Probe.event_count += 1 if Probe.max_events is not None and \ Probe.event_count >= Probe.max_events: exit() def attach(self, bpf, verbose): if len(self.library) == 0: self._attach_k(bpf) else: self._attach_u(bpf) self.python_struct = self._generate_python_data_decl() callback = partial(self.print_event, bpf) bpf[self.events_name].open_perf_buffer(callback) def _attach_k(self, bpf): if self.probe_type == "r": bpf.attach_kretprobe(event=self.function, fn_name=self.probe_name) elif self.probe_type == "p": bpf.attach_kprobe(event=self.function, fn_name=self.probe_name) # Note that tracepoints don't need an explicit attach def _attach_u(self, bpf): libpath = BPF.find_library(self.library) if libpath is None: # This might be an executable (e.g. 'bash') libpath = BPF.find_exe(self.library) if libpath is None or len(libpath) == 0: self._bail("unable to find library %s" % self.library) if self.probe_type == "u": pass # Was already enabled by the BPF constructor elif self.probe_type == "r": bpf.attach_uretprobe(name=libpath, sym=self.function, fn_name=self.probe_name, pid=Probe.pid) else: bpf.attach_uprobe(name=libpath, sym=self.function, fn_name=self.probe_name, pid=Probe.pid) class Tool(object): examples = """ EXAMPLES: trace do_sys_open Trace the open syscall and print a default trace message when entered trace 'do_sys_open "%s", arg2' Trace the open syscall and print the filename being opened trace 'sys_read (arg3 > 20000) "read %d bytes", arg3' Trace the read syscall and print a message for reads >20000 bytes trace 'r::do_sys_return "%llx", retval' Trace the return from the open syscall and print the return value trace 'c:open (arg2 == 42) "%s %d", arg1, arg2' Trace the open() call from libc only if the flags (arg2) argument is 42 trace 'c:malloc "size = %d", arg1' Trace malloc calls and print the size being allocated trace 'p:c:write (arg1 == 1) "writing %d bytes to STDOUT", arg3' Trace the write() call from libc to monitor writes to STDOUT trace 'r::__kmalloc (retval == 0) "kmalloc failed!" Trace returns from __kmalloc which returned a null pointer trace 'r:c:malloc (retval) "allocated = %p", retval Trace returns from malloc and print non-NULL allocated buffers trace 't:block:block_rq_complete "sectors=%d", args->nr_sector' Trace the block_rq_complete kernel tracepoint and print # of tx sectors trace 'u:pthread:pthread_create (arg4 != 0)' Trace the USDT probe pthread_create when its 4th argument is non-zero """ def __init__(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description= "Attach to functions and print trace messages.", formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=Tool.examples) parser.add_argument("-p", "--pid", type=int, help="id of the process to trace (optional)") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="print resulting BPF program code before executing") parser.add_argument("-Z", "--string-size", type=int, default=80, help="maximum size to read from strings") parser.add_argument("-S", "--include-self", action="store_true", help="do not filter trace's own pid from the trace") parser.add_argument("-M", "--max-events", type=int, help="number of events to print before quitting") parser.add_argument("-o", "--offset", action="store_true", help="use relative time from first traced message") parser.add_argument("-K", "--kernel-stack", action="store_true", help="output kernel stack trace") parser.add_argument("-U", "--user_stack", action="store_true", help="output user stack trace") parser.add_argument(metavar="probe", dest="probes", nargs="+", help="probe specifier (see examples)") self.args = parser.parse_args() def _create_probes(self): Probe.configure(self.args) self.probes = [] for probe_spec in self.args.probes: self.probes.append(Probe( probe_spec, self.args.string_size, self.args.kernel_stack, self.args.user_stack)) def _generate_program(self): self.program = """ #include #include /* For TASK_COMM_LEN */ """ self.program += BPF.generate_auto_includes( map(lambda p: p.raw_probe, self.probes)) for probe in self.probes: self.program += probe.generate_program( self.args.include_self) if self.args.verbose: print(self.program) def _attach_probes(self): usdt_contexts = [] for probe in self.probes: if probe.usdt: # USDT probes must be enabled before the BPF object # is initialized, because that's where the actual # uprobe is being attached. probe.usdt.enable_probe( probe.usdt_name, probe.probe_name) if self.args.verbose: print(probe.usdt.get_text()) usdt_contexts.append(probe.usdt) self.bpf = BPF(text=self.program, usdt_contexts=usdt_contexts) for probe in self.probes: if self.args.verbose: print(probe) probe.attach(self.bpf, self.args.verbose) def _main_loop(self): all_probes_trivial = all(map(Probe.is_default_action, self.probes)) # Print header print("%-8s %-6s %-12s %-16s %s" % \ ("TIME", "PID", "COMM", "FUNC", "-" if not all_probes_trivial else "")) while True: self.bpf.kprobe_poll() def run(self): try: self._create_probes() self._generate_program() self._attach_probes() self._main_loop() except: if self.args.verbose: traceback.print_exc() elif sys.exc_info()[0] is not SystemExit: print(sys.exc_info()[1]) if __name__ == "__main__": Tool().run()