--- language: node_js node_js: # we recommend testing addons with the same minimum supported node version as Ember CLI # so that your addon works for all apps - "10" dist: xenial addons: chrome: stable cache: yarn: true env: global: # See https://git.io/vdao3 for details. - JOBS=1 branches: only: - master # npm version tags - /^v\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ jobs: fast_finish: true allow_failures: - env: EMBER_TRY_SCENARIO=ember-canary include: # runs linting and tests with current locked deps - stage: "Tests" name: "Tests" script: - yarn lint - yarn test:ember - stage: "Additional Tests" name: "Floating Dependencies" install: - yarn install --no-lockfile --non-interactive script: - yarn test:ember # we recommend new addons test the current and previous LTS # as well as latest stable release (bonus points to beta/canary) - env: EMBER_TRY_SCENARIO=ember-lts-3.12 - env: EMBER_TRY_SCENARIO=ember-lts-3.16 - env: EMBER_TRY_SCENARIO=ember-release - env: EMBER_TRY_SCENARIO=ember-beta - env: EMBER_TRY_SCENARIO=ember-canary - env: EMBER_TRY_SCENARIO=ember-default-with-jquery - env: EMBER_TRY_SCENARIO=ember-classic before_install: - curl -o- -L https://yarnpkg.com/install.sh | bash - export PATH=$HOME/.yarn/bin:$PATH install: - yarn install --non-interactive script: - node_modules/.bin/ember try:one $EMBER_TRY_SCENARIO