# WeDance Foundation We are non-government organisation to support and spread dancing around the world by enabling collaboration and development and bringing experts from different fields to create and support dance infrastructure. **Open**: WeDance Foundation provides support for dance projects and their communities, furthering its mission of providing Open Source software for the public good. **Innovation**: WeDance Foundation projects are defined by collaborative, consensus-based processes, an open, pragmatic software license and a desire to create high quality software that leads the way in its field. **Community**: We are a community of developers and dancers. ## Okay, I am in! What can I do? 1. [Introduce yourself](https://github.com/we-dance/foundation/issues/1) 2. [Participate in discussions](https://github.com/we-dance/foundation/issues/) 3. [Start a new discussion](https://github.com/we-dance/foundation/issues/new)