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Reusable Component to Create Globally-distributed Applications with Azure Cosmos DB

This example demonstrates the usage of Pulumi to create globally-distributed applications with Azure Cosmos DB as the backend and pluggable infrastrustructure as the web tier.

The application shows several notable features:

  1. Easy global deployments - a config setting provides a list of all the regions to deploy and a single execution deploys across them all.
  2. Abstraction - the CosmosApp component - abstracts away all the common logic for a global app with Cosmos DB multi-region data distribution and Traffic Manager for routing the traffic.
  3. Multi-model - an implementation example is currently provided for serverless functions and virtual machines.

CosmosApp component

The CosmosApp defines a skeleton for the application. While not limiting the type of compute resources, it creates the multi-regional pieces of the infrastructure:

Cosmos App

Deploying the App

To deploy your infrastructure, follow the below steps.


  1. Install Pulumi
  2. Install .NET Core 3.0+


Step 1: Create a new stack

$ pulumi stack init dev

Step 2: Log in to the Azure CLI

You will be prompted to do this during deployment if you forget this step.

$ az login

Step 3: Build and publish the Azure Functions project:

$ dotnet publish app

Step 4: Configure the list of regions to deploy to

$ pulumi config set azure:location westus
$ pulumi config set locations westus,westeurope

Step 5: Deploy your changes

Run pulumi up to preview and deploy changes:

$ pulumi up
Previewing changes:
+  azure-cs-cosmosapp-component-dev  create
+  examples:azure:CosmosApp vms create
+  azure:network:VirtualNetwork vnet-westeurope create
+  azure:network:PublicIp pip-westeurope create
+  azure:trafficmanager:Profile tmvms create
+  azure:trafficmanager:Endpoint tmvmswesteurope create
+  azure:cosmosdb:Account cosmos-vms

Step 6: Check the deployed website endpoints

Three endpoints are now available. For example,

$ pulumi stack output VmssEndpoint

$ curl "$(pulumi stack output VmssEndpoint)"
Document 'cosmos' not found

Go to the Azure portal and add a document with the ID "cosmos" to receive a non-empty response.

Step 7: Clean up

Once you've finished experimenting, tear down your stack's resources by destroying and removing it:

$ pulumi destroy --yes
$ pulumi stack rm --yes