# Flutter FooDelivery Application This is the graduation project from Techcareer.net's Flutter Bootcamp, and it's an application designed for ordering food. ## Libraries and Technologies Used - Widgets - Animation - Custom Navigation Bar - Bloc Pattern - Listview.Builder - Firebase Authentication - API Webservice (DIO) ## Features Included in the Application - Splash screen - Registration and login screen - Listing of meals fetched from the API - Displaying dish details on the detail page - Adding meals to the cart by selecting the quantity - Removing items from the cart - Order confirmation ## Screenshots
Splash Screen Registration Screen Login Screen Foods Screen
Foods Screen Cart Screen Order Confirmation
## Tutorial Video You can watch the [tutorial video here](https://github.com/wazzapsenk/Flutter-FoodDelivery/blob/master/Screenshots/fooDelivery.mp4). ## Getting Started For help getting started with Flutter development, you can refer to the [online documentation](https://docs.flutter.dev/), which provides tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.