'use strict' const aircraftIndex = {} const airlineICAOIndex = {} const airportSize = {} const airportMarkers = [] const INITIAL_ZOOM_LEVEL = 9 const AIRPORT_VISIBILITY_THRESHOLD = [ null, 200, 150, 120, 100, 80, 60, 40, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] const infoPanel = document.getElementById('info') let map, selectedMarker, planeIcon, currentPosition, openInfoWindow if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) { const coords = { lat: position.coords.latitude, lng: position.coords.longitude } // if map loaded faster than we could get the position, just re-center the map if (map) map.setCenter(coords) // else store the users position so that the map can use it when it's loaded else currentPosition = coords }) } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars function initMap () { planeIcon = { path: 'M482,363.333c2.667,0.666,5,0.332,7-1c2-1.334,3-3.334,3-6v-36c0-6.668-3-12-9-16l-187-111 c-6-3.334-9-8.668-9-16v-125c0-6.667-1.333-13-4-19c-7.333-18.667-17.667-29-31-31c-2-0.667-4-1-6-1s-4.333,0.333-7,1 c-0.667,0-1.5,0.167-2.5,0.5s-2.167,0.833-3.5,1.5c-4.667,1.333-9,4.333-13,9s-7,9-9,13l-3,7c-2,6-3,12.333-3,19v125 c0,7.333-3,12.667-9,16l-187,111c-6,4-9,9.332-9,16v36c0,2.666,1,4.666,3,6c2,1.332,4.333,1.666,7,1l185-60 c2.667-1.334,5-1.168,7,0.5c2,1.666,3,3.832,3,6.5v97c0,7.334-2.667,13-8,17l-25,18c-5.333,4-8,9.666-8,17v24c0,2.666,1,4.666,3,6 s4.333,1.666,7,1l62-18c6.667-2,13.333-2,20,0l62,18c2.667,0.666,5,0.334,7-1s3-3.334,3-6v-24c0-7.334-2.667-13-8-17l-25-18 c-5.333-4-8-9.666-8-17v-97c0-3.334,1-5.668,3-7c2-1.334,4.333-1.334,7,0L482,363.333z', anchor: new google.maps.Point(246, 246), // eslint-disable-line no-undef fillColor: '#010002', fillOpacity: 0.8, scale: 0.05, strokeColor: 'red', strokeWeight: 0 } // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { zoom: INITIAL_ZOOM_LEVEL, center: currentPosition ? new google.maps.LatLng(currentPosition.lat, currentPosition.lng) // eslint-disable-line no-undef : new google.maps.LatLng(48.9062802, 2.3598659) // eslint-disable-line no-undef }) map.addListener('zoom_changed', zoomLevelChanged) onJQuery(function ($) { $.getJSON('routes', parseRoutes).fail(onAjaxError).done(function () { $.getJSON('airports', plotAirports).fail(onAjaxError) }) $.getJSON('airlines', parseAirlines).fail(onAjaxError) setInterval(function () { $.getJSON('aircrafts', plotAircrafts).fail(onAjaxError) }, 2000) }) } function onAjaxError (jqXHR, textStatus, err) { throw err } function zoomLevelChanged () { const level = map.getZoom() airportMarkers.forEach(function (marker) { const size = airportSize[marker.IATA] const threshold = AIRPORT_VISIBILITY_THRESHOLD[level] marker.setVisible(threshold ? size > threshold : true) }) } function parseAirlines (airlines) { airlines.forEach(function (airline) { airlineICAOIndex[airline.ICAO] = airline }) } function parseRoutes (routes) { routes.forEach(function (route) { tickAirport(route.source) tickAirport(route.dest) }) } // Keep a record of how many routes fly to and from a given airport. // This helps us know how big an airport is. function tickAirport (IATA) { if (!airportSize[IATA]) airportSize[IATA] = 1 else airportSize[IATA]++ } function plotAirports (airports) { const airportIcon = { path: 'M182.9,551.7c0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.2,0.3S358.3,283,358.3,194.6c0-130.1-88.8-186.7-175.4-186.9 C96.3,7.9,7.5,64.5,7.5,194.6c0,88.4,175.3,357.4,175.3,357.4S182.9,551.7,182.9,551.7z M122.2,187.2c0-33.6,27.2-60.8,60.8-60.8 c33.6,0,60.8,27.2,60.8,60.8S216.5,248,182.9,248C149.4,248,122.2,220.8,122.2,187.2z', anchor: new google.maps.Point(182, 560), // eslint-disable-line no-undef fillColor: '#00aeef', fillOpacity: 1, scale: 0.03 } const visibilityThreshold = AIRPORT_VISIBILITY_THRESHOLD[INITIAL_ZOOM_LEVEL] airports.forEach(function (airport) { const size = airportSize[airport.IATA] // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: {lat: airport.lat, lng: airport.lng}, map: map, title: airport.name, icon: airportIcon, visible: visibilityThreshold ? size > visibilityThreshold : true }) marker.IATA = airport.IATA marker.addListener('click', function () { if (openInfoWindow) openInfoWindow.close() else openInfoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow() // eslint-disable-line no-undef openInfoWindow.setContent(`


IATA${airport.IATA || 'n/a'}
ICAO${airport.ICAO || 'n/a'}
Altitude${airport.altitude === null ? 'n/a' : airport.altitude + ' ft'}
`) openInfoWindow.open(map, marker) }) airportMarkers.push(marker) }) } function plotAircrafts (aircrafts) { aircrafts.forEach(function (_aircraft) { const aircraft = aircraftIndex[_aircraft.icao] = aircraftIndex[_aircraft.icao] || new Aircraft() aircraft.update(_aircraft) }) pruneMarkers() } function pruneMarkers () { const threshold = Date.now() - 120000 // prune all aircrafts we haven't seen in two minutes aircrafts().forEach(function (aircraft) { if (aircraft.seen < threshold) { if (aircraft.marker === selectedMarker) { infoPanel.style.display = 'none' } aircraft.flightPath.setMap(null) aircraft.marker.setMap(null) delete aircraftIndex[aircraft.icao] } }) } function onAircraftClick () { selectedMarker = this aircrafts().forEach(function (aircraft) { const icon = aircraft.marker.getIcon() if (aircraft.marker === selectedMarker) { icon.strokeWeight = 1 aircraft.flightPath.setPath(aircraft.flightPathCoords) aircraft.flightPath.setVisible(true) infoPanel.innerHTML = aircraft.toHTML() } else { icon.strokeWeight = 0 aircraft.flightPath.setVisible(false) } aircraft.marker.setIcon(icon) }) infoPanel.style.display = 'block' } function aircrafts () { return Object.keys(aircraftIndex).map(function (icao) { return aircraftIndex[icao] }) } function onJQuery (cb) { if (window.jQuery) cb(window.jQuery) else setTimeout(onJQuery.bind(null, cb), 50) } function Aircraft () { this.flightPathCoords = [] // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef this.flightPath = new google.maps.Polyline({ geodesic: true, strokeColor: '#ff0000', strokeOpacity: 1.0, strokeWeight: 2, visible: false }) this.flightPath.setMap(map) } Aircraft.prototype.update = function (aircraft) { this.icao = aircraft.icao this.seen = aircraft.seen this.lat = aircraft.lat this.lng = aircraft.lng this.altitude = aircraft.altitude this.unit = aircraft.unit this.heading = aircraft.heading this.speed = aircraft.speed this.callsign = aircraft.callsign // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef const pos = new google.maps.LatLng(this.lat, this.lng) this.flightPathCoords.push(pos) planeIcon.rotation = this.heading planeIcon.strokeWeight = 0 if (this.marker) { if (this.marker === selectedMarker) { planeIcon.strokeWeight = 1 this.flightPath.setPath(this.flightPathCoords) infoPanel.innerHTML = this.toHTML() } this.marker.setPosition(pos) this.marker.setIcon(planeIcon) } else { // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef this.marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: pos, map: map, icon: planeIcon, title: this.callsign }) this.marker.addListener('click', onAircraftClick) } } Aircraft.prototype.toHTML = function () { const unit = this.unit === 0 ? 'ft' : 'm' const altitude = Number.isFinite(this.altitude) ? this.altitude + ' ' + unit : 'Unknown' const speed = Number.isFinite(this.speed) ? this.speed + ' kts' : 'Unknown' const track = Number.isFinite(this.heading) ? this.heading + '°' : 'Unknown' const ICAO = this.callsign && this.callsign.slice(0, 3) const airline = ICAO && airlineICAOIndex[ICAO] let html = `
${airline ? airline.name : 'Unknown'}
Call sign
${this.callsign || 'Unknown'}
Ground speed
` if (this.callsign) { // Use noreferrer because Flightradar24.com would otherwise respond with 418 html += ` Flightradar24.com ` } return html }