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Chicago Regional Network and Demand

A large-scale, detailed representation of the Chicago region.


Developed and provided by the Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS)




  • ChicagoRegional_net.tntp Network
  • ChicagoRegional_node.tntp Node coordinates
  • ChicagoRegional_trips.tntp Demand


Zones: 1,790 Nodes: 12,982 Links: 39,018 Trips: 1,360,427


Time: Minutes Distance: miles Cost: cents [ FIXME in what year? ]

Generalized Cost Weights

Toll: 0.1 minutes/cent Distance: 0.25 minutes/mile


Best-known link flows solution with Average Excess Cost of 8.3E-12. Optimal objective function value: 30792611.3864393.

Aroon Aungsuyanon studied the set of equilibrium PAS for this network under various demand levels. The results of his analysis:

Known Issues

FIXME translate to Github Issues

Wolfgang Scherr from PTV America:

  1. There seem to be discrepancies between "speed" and "free flow travel time" in certain links of the Chicago Regional network. For example, the "Chicago Skyway" (nodes: 8158, 7714, 8184, 8190, 8196, 8246, 8208, ...,2049, 2387) has "speed" of 27MPH while the free flow travel times correspond to 45MPH. As indicated above, the results reported here rely on free flow travel times and not on speeds.

  2. There are some bi-directional links which in reality represent mono-directional ramps. The current bi-directional coding creates parallel alternatives to get on or off the freeway/expressway, which leads to a kind of local randomness of the link flow solution at these places. I would recommend coding all ramps as one-ways. Here are a couple of such places, defined by key node numbers: A) 6652, 2430, 2429 B) 8559, 8563 C) 2196, 2301 D) 7138, 8994 E) 10265, 10253, 11946