Changelog ========= All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](, and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( ## [Unreleased] ## v0.6 * Fix names not rendered in some alphabts. Fix #489. * Render `mtb:name` when no name is known and `mtb:name` is available. Fix #533. * Render `landuse=retail` and `shop=mall` names. Fix #526. * Fix missing POIs: swimming pools, `shop=doityourself` and schools. Fix #64. * Render train stations when tagged on buildings (polygons). Fix #527. * Rendering bridge surface. Fix #551. * Remove rendering ramp:xxx=separate. Fix #545. * Remove rendering of minor railway (spur, siding, yard) at low zooms, fade them for higher zooms. Fix #559. * Use SQL views for easier maintenance of the SQL codes. **BREAKING CHANGE**, requires to run `psql -d osm --file=views.sql` manually to create the required views. * Fix some missing `service:bicycle:*` icons. See #573. * Render aerodrome icons at higher zoom levels. See #564. * Ensure `mtb_scale=6` is rendered as such. See #583. * Render `highway=busway` as `highway=service`. See #557. ## v0.5 * Render more features at low zoom: land, water and hillshades at zoom 3 and 4. See #494. * Fix, render as road bike surface tracktype=grade1 and good smoothness. * Render dam #481. * Add dashline outline on path like way tunnels #492. * Fix cycleway hidded by rail background #451. * Fix cycleroute name not rendered if no ref #510. * Fix ford on node not rendered #508. * Use blue shared cycle path for bus/cycle lane #356. * Add bicycle leisure track for areas. * Render minor service road at zoom 14 #519. * Render living street with 20km/h color by default #238. * Restore contours. Fix #157. ## v0.4 * Fix an issue with routes with `state=proposed` not rendered. See #438. * Remove motorways at low zoom level. See #447. * Thinner cycle routes and easier to distinguish secondaries / railways at medium zooms. See #447. * Make roads more visible at Z11. See #447. * Render `admin_level=4` (states / regions) with dash from z4 to avoid miximg them up with railways. See #447. * Fix bicycle shop icon size at zooms 14-15. * Fix a bug in `highway=motorway_link` color, see #453. * Rework drinking water icon * Distinguish toilets with drinking water. * Distinguish access for toilets and drinking water. * Add subicon at POI for bicycle services (pump, tool, rental/repair/retail). * Render islands names. See #456. * Add flood prone text for `flood_prone=yes` highways. See #374. * Render all available conditionals, concatenated. * Truncate cycle junction names. See #381. * Render mountain pass * Fix render of healthcare and doctors. See #348. * Render maxspeed on shared path. See #266. * Render bicycle give way signs. See #420. **This one requires explicit activation through localconfig.** * Render `sidewalk:{left,right,both}:bicycle` as shared cycle tracks. See #464. * Add cycle route name. * Render parking amenity and servie road parking aisle, drive-through, driveway smaller. * Add floor/ground slots bicycle parking. * Render `amenity=community_centre`, see #306. ## v0.3.7 * Rework protected areas borders * Better railway rendering at low zooms (z8-10) * Render bicycle routes without network tag as lcn. See #379. * Treat `bicycle=use_sidepath` roads as not bikable. See #415. * Fix a bug making some shops not rendered. See #417. * Render `barrier=jersey_barrier` the same way as block (tagged as point or way). See #382. * Use a denser pattern for cemetaries. * Render `amenity=bench`. See #377. * Render cycleway surface quality rounded. See #400. * Fix bicycle parking icon not being inside a not convex polygon. See #395. * Reorder POIs to avoid masking a bicycle-related icon behind a pharmacy icon. See #360. * Render `public_transport=platform` + `shelter=yes` as shelter. See #378. * Render `surface=unpaved` as unknown surface + minor fixes for surfaces. See #367. * Render `leisure=track`. See #412. * Render footway areas with a brownish tone. See #370. * Render linear `highway=ford`. See #424. * Making ferry routes that can carry bikes more blue. * Render `lcn` routes tagged on ways directly (and not in a relation). See #430. * Ensure cycleways are always on top of the `z_order` hierarchy, in particular with the bonus given to `railway` tags by osm2pgsql. See #432. * Render `highway=track` as dark green, instead of dark blue. ## v0.3.6 * Add blue arrows on designated roads. See #304. * Fix missing wind turbines. See #267. * Fix incorrect overloading of amenities tags, leading to some amenities not being shown. See windmills in #267 for instance. * Render guidepost and map for cyclists. See #341. * Render unknown surface. See #345. * Rework blue / cyan / green colors. See #324. * Fix a bug with dashed road surface being drawn on top of side cycle track. See #136. * Only render `bicycle:conditional` tag on highways. See #371. * Make sure cycle network nodes are drawn in many situations (overlaps). See #287. * Whole rework of roads layers processing. Generation of Mapnik XML is now much faster and resulting XML file is much smaller. See #364. * Only render bike stations and low priority POIs names from Z18 and above. See #359. * Only render cycle lanes / busways from Z12. See #354. * Do not render underground buildings. * Fix a render issue with labels and amenities. See #362. ## v0.3.5 * Only display supermarket labels from Z17 (was from Z16). See #323. * Add line-cap round for cycleway/path to avoid empty spaces. See #224. * Fix a bug with area label rendered below line barrier. See #321. * Render name of farmyards. See #264. * Render glaciers, scrubs and spring. See #229, #327 * Fix a bug with some protected areas labels not rendered. See #329. * Render `highway=bridleway|footway` + `bicycle=designated` as a shared path. See #215. * Render indoor paths in faded color. See #334. * Render `mtb:scale` and `mtb:scale:imba`. See #336. * Render railway at low zooms. See #317 * Improve density of city names in countryside at Z10/Z11. See #195. * Render inner tube vending machine. See #315. * Darken administrative boundaries to make them easier to see. See #343. * Render bicycle parking areas. See #322. ## v0.3.4 * Render `amenity=charging_station` designed for bicycles. Fix #290. * Fix an issue with handling of bicycle node networks, leading to some regional routes not being drawn in France. See #297. * Fix a typo leading to residential roads not being visible at zoom 12. See #302. * Fix noisy cycle routes at low zoom levels by using `ST_Simplify` with lower tolerance instead of `ST_SnapToGrid`. See #253. * Render cinema, theatre, library, casino and change. See #300. * Fix ferry route rendered over place labels in low zooms. See #313. * Render administrative boundaries. See #209. * Properly render national parks. See #37. * Remove useless `ST_IsValid` check in some layers. See #316. * Fix ref not rendered for trunk and motorway. See #294. * Add conditional text along the way for bicycle|vehicle|access|motor_vehicle:conditional. See #65. * Lighten tunnel roads, including cycleways. See #298. ## v0.3.3 * Render `highway=trunk` as bikeable by default, fix #258. * Fix some missing oneway arrows on cycleways and paths. See #257. * Fix a bug with `æerialway` layer, rendering it at all zoom levels. * Fix some SQL queries to ensure the geographic index can be fully used and restore performances. * Fix a bug where `military` areas where not visible when combined with `landuse`. * Hide regional cycling network (part of a node network) at zooms 8 to 10. This improves a lot the current render in the Netherlands. * Give bridges for large roads a border to emphasize the roads overlaps. * Fix a bug with incorrect two-ways arrows being shown on `highway=footway`. See #289. * Tourism viewpoint labels where still labeled in brown. Fixed, see #263. * Fix cycleways being hidden by primary roads along a tunnel. See #278. * Render subway station from z14 instead of Z12, to avoid too much stations in large cities. Fix #262. * Render halt train station, fix #272. * Draw roads at Z9 / Z10 with better contrast with the background. Fix #255. * Simpler MTB quality surface scheme, which should be more readable. * Render new landuses: allotments, natural sand/beach/dune and wetland, natural scree/shingle and bare_rock. * Render access/bicycle=private roads as not bikable (grey). Fix #259. * Improve bikability check for the render by taking into account `vehicle` tag. * Draw motorroads as not cyclable, fix #291. ## v0.3.2 * Fill in grey roads without bicycle access, see #236. * Rework secured bicycle parking icon, see #228. * More values for ramps in stairs taken into account, see #248. * `gravel` surface is now considered as ok for trekking bikes, see #242. * Fix an issue where non-latin characters might not be rendered for text in bold or italic fonts, see #241. * Render `man_made=water_tap` + `drinking_water=yes` as a drinking water point, see #244. * Bugfix: fix missing oneway arrow on dedicated cycleway / path / footway, see #231. * Rework some icons, change color to emphasize bicycle POIs (see #169, #207 and #185). * Pedestrian areas are now rendered in gray. * Fix quality surface tag overloading: smoothness > tracktype > surface (see #243). * Render cycleways in tunnel, see #234. * Fix `z_order` value for bridges, ensure cycleways are always on top of the main road on bridges. See #192. * Building heights (pseudo 3D effect) was badly computed in mod_tile. Moving away from this algorithm and simply rendering them as polygons with contours now, see #212. * Render `man_made=monitoring_station` + `monitoring:bicycle=yes`, see #246. * Fix forest tree icons being rendered on top of buildings. See #223. * Render `aerialway`. See #256. * Drop road shields and place the ref of the roads along them. Fix #197. * Render motorways where cycling is allowed in very pale red. Fix #203. ## v0.3.1 * Some roads with `motor_vehicle=no` were no longer in cyan due to a logical error, this is now fixed. See #222. * Better rendering of cycleways on bridges, to avoid them being drawn below the associated highway. * Make pedestrian streets smaller at high zoom. * Steps are now rendered the same color as footway. * Surface is shown from Z14, to have track surfaces at this zoom. * Traffic lights are now rendered from Z18 instead of Z17. * Buildings 3D effect is now rendered from Z18 instead of Z17. ## v0.3 * Use a slightly lighter blue color for shared bicycle/motorcycle parkings (and avoid using red which was too visible). * Fix a bug with the text of a bicycle parking with limited access not being drawn with the correct opacity. * Fix cyclestreets not rendered in blue if they had a maxspeed below 30 (bad priority of cyclestreet vs maxspeed). * Handles `cyclestreet` as well as `bicycle_road` the same way. * Render `cycleway=shared_lane` in the same way as a shared busway. Both are third-quality cycle infrastructure. * Ignore `tunnel=culvert` waterways, #204. * Render `amenity=bank` and `amenity=atm` at high zoom levels (Z18 / Z19). #149 * Add an icon for fords, see #147. * Render `shop=sports` even if no bicycle specific tags on it, see #163. * Fix a bug leading to `oneway:bicycle=no` not being rendered sometimes. * Fix correct overloading of surface and smoothness (`surface=sett` + `smoothness=horrible` for instance). * Render `amenity=place_of_worship`, see #164. * Render more landuse like `vineyrad`, `orchard`, `quarry`, etc. Rework the cemetery render. See #194 for the full details. * Distinguish covered bicycle/motorcycle parkings, #166. * Render `highway=raceway`, see #191. * Render `surface=paving_stones` as asphalt, good for any kind of bikes. See #214. * Rework cycle routes render, fix opacity and emphasize them at low zooms. See #160, #182, #201. * Take into account overloading of access tags to better decide whether a road is shared with motor vehicles or not. See #210. * Render oriented cycleways (`cycleway:left|right:oneway`). See #119. * Bidirectional cycleways tagged directly on highway are now larger as well. See #119. * Add some casing on bridges to clarify which linear ways (footways, cycleways, bridleways and paths) are on top of which other. See #137. * Render wood and forest tree types. See #92. * Now uses a semi-transparent layer for hillshading. ## v0.2 * Draw crossings and traffic calming only from Z18 (was Z17 before). * Lighter farmland color, better distinction between meadows and wood colors. * Higher contrast for names and minor roads. * Slightly fade footway and bridleway * Buildings were semi-transparent, resulting in greenish buildings in wooden areas. This is fixed. * No longer render tunnel waterways. * Render bicycle routes labels above ferry routes labels. * Fix incorrect rendering of some area labels (was appearing at one of the area point). * Now rendering `highway=path` with `bicycle=designated` almost as a `cycleway` and if there is `segregated=yes`, then as a `cycleway` with a footway border. * Fix for missing oneway arrow on `highway=path` with a `oneway:bicycle=yes` * Footways/pedestrian/tracks/paths are rendered on top of major highways, see ## v0.1 First deployed version on before the SOTM 2019.