This style is based on the [Mapbox OSM-Bright]( style, which is licensed under BSD-3-Clause license. Everything (be it icons or code) not listed explicitly below should be consider as available under this license. The contours and elevation lines render is based on the very good work and code available from [OpenTopoMap]( The colors used in the `palette.mss` file are based on the [Hydda]( style, licensed under Apache License 2.0. The icons in `symbols/osm-bright-gl-style` are taken from the [OSM Bright GL style]( and are licensed under Creative Commons BY 4.0. The icons in `symbols/openstreetmap-carto` are taken from the [OpenStreetMap-carto]( style and are licensed under CC0 public domain. The icons in `symbols/osmandapp` are taken from the [OsmAnd app resources]( The inner tube bicycle icon is based on