PVOnboardKit is framework what allows you adding your own tutorial into your app, as easy as possible. As main concept uses UITableView. Also, for more customization PVOnboardKit uses TAPageControl instead of UIPageControl.
Xcode 9. Ready for use on iOS 8+
Adding the following to your Podfile and running pod install should do the trick:
pod 'PVOnboardKit'
- Import PVOnboardKit
- Create PVOnboardView and add to your view
- Implement PVOnboardViewDelegate and PVOnboardViewDataSource and assign to instance of PVOnboardView
- Call reloadData from instance of PVOnboardView
- Enjoy 😎
Thank @TanguyAladenise for TAPageControl.
Questions, comments, issues, and pull requests are always welcome!
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.