# Heroicons viewer 👉 https://heroicons.dev
👉 https://github.com/refactoringui/heroicons This is a WIP frontend for the newly released [Heroicons iconset](https://github.com/refactoringui/heroicons) by [Steve Schoger](https://twitter.com/steveschoger) and [Adam Wathan](https://twitter.com/adamwathan). - [x] Custom domain (https://heroicons.dev) - [x] Search - [ ] Advanced search based on tags/concepts - [x] Click to copy to the clipboard - [x] Responsive - [x] Dark mode - [ ] Initialize outline icons for light mode, solid icons for dark mode - [x] Support for solid icons - [ ] Cypress-based e2e tests - [x] https://github.com/codex-src/heroicons-viewer-cypress - [x] Buttons to download source/repos - [ ] Code documentation - [ ] Toggle copy to clipboard OR download (like Feather icons) - [x] Social tags/image - [ ] Size options - [ ] Colors options - [ ] Add tooltip UI to explain copy to clipboard - [ ] Icon catagories - [ ] Preview templates (like FontAwesome) - [ ] Suggest an icon/feature - [ ] Monetize with Carbon Ads - [x] Embed a Figma mockup to work off of - [x] Created a reference Figma file: https://figma.com/file/vfjBXrSSOCgmVEX5fdvV4L/Heroicons-v0.1-(2abb814) - [ ] Create a Figma plugin - [ ] Add screenshots to the repo - [ ] Add support for third-party brand icons like Simple Icons - [ ] React-version of click-copy - [x] https://github.com/codex-src/react-heroicons - [ ] Add offline support (possible via Firestore) **Contributions are welcome!** Built using Create React App and Tailwind CSS, _of course_. Uses PurgeCSS for production. [See this issue](https://github.com/refactoringui/heroicons/issues/2#issue-570090097) for more context.