import type * as http from 'node:http' import type * as net from 'node:net' import httpProxy from 'http-proxy' import type { Connect } from 'dep-types/connect' import type { HttpProxy } from 'dep-types/http-proxy' import colors from 'picocolors' import { createDebugger } from '../../utils' import type { CommonServerOptions, ResolvedConfig } from '../..' import type { HttpServer } from '..' const debug = createDebugger('vite:proxy') export interface ProxyOptions extends HttpProxy.ServerOptions { /** * rewrite path */ rewrite?: (path: string) => string /** * configure the proxy server (e.g. listen to events) */ configure?: (proxy: HttpProxy.Server, options: ProxyOptions) => void /** * webpack-dev-server style bypass function */ bypass?: ( req: http.IncomingMessage, res: http.ServerResponse, options: ProxyOptions, ) => void | null | undefined | false | string } const setOriginHeader = ( proxyReq: http.ClientRequest, options: HttpProxy.ServerOptions, ) => { // Browsers may send Origin headers even with same-origin // requests. It is common for WebSocket servers to check the Origin // header, so if changeOrigin is true we change the Origin to match // the target URL. // if (options.changeOrigin) { const { target } = options if (proxyReq.getHeader('origin') && target) { const changedOrigin = typeof target === 'object' ? `${target.protocol}//${}` : target proxyReq.setHeader('origin', changedOrigin) } } } export function proxyMiddleware( httpServer: HttpServer | null, options: NonNullable, config: ResolvedConfig, ): Connect.NextHandleFunction { // lazy require only when proxy is used const proxies: Record = {} Object.keys(options).forEach((context) => { let opts = options[context] if (!opts) { return } if (typeof opts === 'string') { opts = { target: opts, changeOrigin: true } as ProxyOptions } const proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer(opts) as HttpProxy.Server if (opts.configure) { opts.configure(proxy, opts) } proxy.on('error', (err, req, originalRes) => { // When it is ws proxy, res is net.Socket // originalRes can be falsy if the proxy itself errored const res = originalRes as http.ServerResponse | net.Socket | undefined if (!res) { config.logger.error( `${`http proxy error: ${err.message}`)}\n${err.stack}`, { timestamp: true, error: err, }, ) } else if ('req' in res) { config.logger.error( `${`http proxy error: ${originalRes.req.url}`)}\n${ err.stack }`, { timestamp: true, error: err, }, ) if (!res.headersSent && !res.writableEnded) { res .writeHead(500, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain', }) .end() } } else { config.logger.error(`${`ws proxy error:`)}\n${err.stack}`, { timestamp: true, error: err, }) res.end() } }) proxy.on('proxyReq', (proxyReq, req, res, options) => { setOriginHeader(proxyReq, options) }) proxy.on('proxyReqWs', (proxyReq, req, socket, options, head) => { setOriginHeader(proxyReq, options) socket.on('error', (err) => { config.logger.error( `${`ws proxy socket error:`)}\n${err.stack}`, { timestamp: true, error: err, }, ) }) }) // // proxy.on('proxyRes', (proxyRes, req, res) => { res.on('close', () => { if (!res.writableEnded) { debug?.('destroying proxyRes in proxyRes close event') proxyRes.destroy() } }) }) // clone before saving because http-proxy mutates the options proxies[context] = [proxy, { ...opts }] }) if (httpServer) { httpServer.on('upgrade', (req, socket, head) => { const url = req.url! for (const context in proxies) { if (doesProxyContextMatchUrl(context, url)) { const [proxy, opts] = proxies[context] if ( ||'ws:') ||'wss:') ) { if (opts.rewrite) { req.url = opts.rewrite(url) } debug?.(`${req.url} -> ws ${}`), socket, head) return } } } }) } // Keep the named function. The name is visible in debug logs via `DEBUG=connect:dispatcher ...` return function viteProxyMiddleware(req, res, next) { const url = req.url! for (const context in proxies) { if (doesProxyContextMatchUrl(context, url)) { const [proxy, opts] = proxies[context] const options: HttpProxy.ServerOptions = {} if (opts.bypass) { const bypassResult = opts.bypass(req, res, opts) if (typeof bypassResult === 'string') { req.url = bypassResult debug?.(`bypass: ${req.url} -> ${bypassResult}`) return next() } else if (bypassResult === false) { debug?.(`bypass: ${req.url} -> 404`) res.statusCode = 404 return res.end() } } debug?.(`${req.url} -> ${ || opts.forward}`) if (opts.rewrite) { req.url = opts.rewrite(req.url!) } proxy.web(req, res, options) return } } next() } } function doesProxyContextMatchUrl(context: string, url: string): boolean { return ( (context[0] === '^' && new RegExp(context).test(url)) || url.startsWith(context) ) }