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769 lines (575 loc) · 32.9 KB

File metadata and controls

769 lines (575 loc) · 32.9 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

You can also check the release page


  • Features
    • Enabled support for monthly and yearly temporal entities (through a new TemporalEntityDimension)
    • It's now possible to control the opacity of map symbols also in case of numerical or categorical colors
  • Fixes
    • Fixed fetching of PossibleFilters when no components iris are passed (and stops execution completely if called when initializing a new chart from cube)
    • Fixed retrieving of shape labels when give shape misses label in currently selected locale
    • Map chart is no longer showing an empty state when symbol layer is the only enabled layer and is based on geometries and not coordinates
  • Performance
    • Switched to a cached LINDAS endpoint (PROD)
    • The application now fires the PossibleFilters query as soon as a chart is initialized to always load filters that make sense, without initial reloading
    • Refactored geographical queries to be simpler and use fewer queries to get necessary information
  • Style
    • Added black borders to map shapes, so overlaps are better visible
    • Optimized the design of select elements and drag handles
  • Maintenance
    • Removed some unused dependencies
    • Reduced bundle size by optimizing d3 imports

[4.0.0] - 2024-03-26

Bumped to a new major version to celebrate all the improvements and new features introduced since v3.0.0 🎉

[3.27.3] - 2024-03-22

  • Fixes
    • Full data download now correctly includes all cube dimensions again

[3.27.2] - 2024-03-19

  • Performance
    • Dimension values are now fetched in parallel in case of fetching for several dimensions at once
    • Refactored shapes and coordinates fetching to not rely on resolver chains

[3.27.1] - 2024-03-15

  • Performance
    • Hierarchies are now fetched in parallel with dimension values, rather than waiting for them to be fetched in advance
    • Vastly optimized the PossibleFilters query
  • Maintenance
    • Increased the number of Playwright workers to 4

[3.27.0] - 2024-03-12

  • Features
    • Slightly increased initial map zoom level
    • Join a second dataset through temporal dimension (behind flag__add-dataset flag)
  • Fixes
    • SingleURLs layout mode now correctly publishes charts
    • Redirecting to latest cube now works correctly for cases of trying to access old cube that didn't look like a versioned cube, but in fact was a versioned cube
    • Scatterplot is now correctly initialized with non-empty segment
    • Changes of segment dimension now correctly update chart config which prevents errors with copying published charts
    • Temporal segment is no longer carried over when switching from scatterplot to column chart if it was already used as X axis
    • Dimension data type is now parsed in case of two data types defined directly in dimension metadata
    • Currently selected locale is now persisted when using actions in user profile page (view chart, edit, open, share)
    • Initial zoom map is now correctly (and consistently) applied again
    • Optional filters can be added again

[3.26.3] - 2024-03-05

  • Fixes
    • Fixed an issue with fetching filter values that sometimes included values that couldn't be selected
    • Theme tags and now correctly sorted in dataset preview page
  • Performance
    • Consolidated loading of dimension values and their metadata inside one CONSTRUCT query, which should improve performance
    • Disabled loading of dimension values where applicable
    • Adjusted several places in the application to not send filters when fetching dimension values but rather use sh:in property of given dimension
    • Changed the behavior of loading dimension values to populate filters to not block the whole application, but rather be scoped to this part of the application
    • Applied server-side caching to more queries
    • Optimized performance of getting dataset preview and cube metadata by not fetching whole cube shape

[3.26.2] - 2024-02-23

  • Fixes
    • The application no longer breaks in specific cases when filters were re-loaded
  • Maintenance
    • Increased timeout duration for GQL API (Vercel deployments)

[3.26.1] - 2024-02-22

  • Fixes
    • Ability to copy/edit previous charts

[3.26.0] - 2024-02-20

  • Features
    • Layout step is now available without using a flag
    • Added Single URLs layout
    • Added drag and drop functionality to dashboard layouts
    • Improved responsiveness of charts in Tall layout
    • Added draft chart(s) functionality (for logged in users)
    • Added chart renaming from profile profile page
  • Fixes
    • Interactive filters and table previews now work correctly in dashboard layout layouts
    • Table filters are now applied correctly again
    • Select elements for table column styles are not empty by default anymore
    • Disabled Interactive toggle for temporal dimensions used in column charts, as they don't support interactive filters
  • Performance
    • Significantly improved performance of dataset previews
  • Maintenance
    • Added GQL performance monitoring tests

[3.25.0] - 2023-12-12

  • Features
    • Added a layout step to the chart creation flow (tab layout, vertical or tall dashboard), accessible when using a flag__layoutStep=true
    • Localized cube landing pages are now supported (dcat:landingPage) 🌎
    • Temporal dimension filters can now be pinned to dynamically use the most recent value (so that published charts automatically switch to it when the cube is updated) 📅
    • Temporal dimensions can now be used as segmentation fields (excluding area and line charts)
  • Fixes
    • Copying a link to a new visualization from a dataset preview now correctly includes a data source

[3.24.2] - 2023-11-28

  • Features
    • Implemented initial version of merging the cubes (not yet exposed through UI)
  • Fixes
    • Conslidated behavior of setting initial filters (top-most hierarchy value) when filter was not present and multi-filter was removed
    • Fixed switching between segmentation dimensions in column charts
    • Added UTF-8 formatting to CSV and XLSX files (data download)

[3.24.1] - 2023-11-13

  • Features
    • Match drag and drop behavior for table chart and filter panel
  • Fixes
    • Remove ErrorWhisker and Tooltip when error is null in Column charts
    • We now only fetch hierarchies defined in cube's shape
    • Hierarchy names are now correctly retrieved
  • Performance
    • We no longer fetch shape when initalizing the cube, as we might need to re-fetch it again if a newer cube is required
    • Vastly improved performance of dataset preview by using a new version of cube-view-query library (View.preview)

[3.24.0] - 2023-11-08

  • Features
    • It's now possible to adjust Combo charts colors 🧑‍🎨
    • Subthemes are now displayed even when organization section is the second one (Browse page)
  • Fixes
    • Color picker in now in sync with selected color palette
    • Dataset counts should now be correct in all cases
    • Dataset tags now wrap
    • It's now possible to de-select only one filter when both themes and organizations are filtered (Browse page)
    • Search string is now correctly persisted in search box when refreshing the page (Browse page)
    • Fixed issue with two queries being sent when refreshing the page when search string was entered (Browse page)
    • Fixed issue with filtering / unfiltering subthemes that resulted in 404 error (Browse page)
    • Dates with timezones are now correctly parsed
  • Performance
    • Improved performance of searching for and retrieving datasets (Browse page)
    • Cubes, themes and organizations queries aren't fired anymore when previewing a dataset
    • Improved the performance of data download
    • (min|max)Inclusive values stored in sh:or are now also retrieved
  • Style
    • Color picker's design has been adjusted to be more user-friendly
    • Map now outlines shapes on hover, instead of changing their colors
  • Maintenance
    • Added retrieval of dimension units via qudt:hasUnit (but kept qudt:unit for backward compatibility)
    • Improved GQL debug panel (added resolver variables and rectangles to visually indicate resolving times)
    • Removed deprecated validThrough cube filters

[3.23.0] - 2023-10-17

  • Features
    • Added a new group of charts – Combo charts – that includes multi-measure line, dual-axis line and column-line charts
    • Added a way to edit and remove charts for logged in users
    • Improved user profile page
  • Fixes
    • Big datasets should now be possible to download (disabled API route size limit)
    • It's now again possible to enable interactive segment filters

[3.22.9] - 2023-10-06

  • Fixes
    • Cascading filters are not stuck anymore in the loading mode in some cases
  • Maintenance
    • GQL debug panel now includes queries fired through SPARQLClientStream (e.g. hierarchies) and CONSTRUCT queries
    • Configurator and interactive filters debug panel is now displayed if flag__debug is set to true
  • Docs
    • Added chart preview via API section to the documentation

[3.22.8] - 2023-09-29

  • Fixes
    • Cube checker now correctly checks if dimensions are present
    • It's now possible to change the chart type for copied, non-hierarchical charts without having to open an options panel first
    • Interactive filters are now aligned correctly (y axis)
  • Performance
    • Dataset preview should now load quicker as we no longer fetch dimension values along with it

[3.22.6] - 2023-09-19

  • Features
    • Animated charts now show latest data as default
  • Fixes
    • Table docs now work correctly again
    • Cascading mode now works correctly for hierarchical dimensions used as interactive filters
    • Changing the locale when previewing a larger cube no longer triggers multiple locale switches

[3.22.5] - 2023-09-12

  • Fixes
    • It's now again possible to map all colors for hierarchical dimensions used as segmentation
  • Misc
    • Improved langString error message

[3.22.4] - 2023-09-06

  • Docs
    • Update legal framework

[3.22.3] - 2023-09-05

  • Fixes
    • Animation field not updating
    • Infinite loading of homepage chart

[3.22.2] - 2023-09-05

  • Fixes
    • Fixed sorting of dates in XLSX download

[3.22.1] - 2023-09-05

  • Fixes
    • Revert removal of `--openssl-legacy-provider``

[3.22.0] - 2023-09-05

  • Features
    • Interactive filters now work in cascading mode
    • Date picker is now usable with interactive temporal dimension filters
    • Downloaded data is now sorted automatically, according to dimension types
    • XLSX data download now correctly formats values (e.g. numbers are numbers and not strings)
    • Disabled stacking of non-ratio measures (area and column charts)
  • UI
    • Error message is now displayed if there are no geometries available for both area and symbol layers (depending on whether one or the other is used)
    • Introduced a warning message when choosing an Animation while a Temporal dimension is mapped to other field
    • Slightly reduced distances between color legend items in interactive mode
  • Fixes
    • Map chart is now again correctly initialized when hierarchy is there
    • Redirect to versioned cubes now works correctly when using legacy, /browse/dataset/<iri> mode
    • Undefined dates in Temporal dimensions do not break the application anymore
    • Jenks color legend now correctly calculates thresholds
    • Numerical color legends now dynamically adjust heights to prevent cutting longer tick labels

[3.21.1] - 2023-08-22

  • Features
    • Introduced preferred chart type order, which makes the table chart the least preferred option
  • UI
    • Switched to pixel-perfect text width calculation - axes should now align correctly, without unnecessary padding that was the result of incorrect estimations
    • Added text-wrap: balance to homepage title, to better wrap the text (only supported by Chrome as of now)
  • Fixes
    • Changing a language in published mode now correctly updates options in hierarchical select element (Interactive Filters)
  • Performance
    • Vastly improved the performance of fetching geographical shapes when fetching more than 100 at once
  • Maintenance
    • Correctly aligned Sentry environments with deployment environments, which will result in better performance monitoring (vercel, test, int, prod)

[3.21.0] - 2023-08-15

  • Features
    • It's now possible to animate the Map Chart 🎬 🗺️
    • It's now possible to normalize the data in Stacked Column Chart and Stacked Area Chart either in a static mode, or as an interactive filter 📊
    • Normalized stacked charts, as well as Pie chart, now display both percentages and absolute values in the tooltip
    • Added support for a new dimension type - TemporalOrdinalDimension. This dimension can be used in all the places where you can use regular ordinal dimensions as well as to animate the chart
    • Scatterplot and Pie now animate updates
    • Axes now animate updates
    • Tooltips for area, column and line charts now behave in more responsive way
    • Time filter now shows explicit from and to fields to filter by (and the brush snaps to values actually existing in the data)
    • Time filter now uses date picker for months and years 🗓️
    • Changed the aspect ratios of Pie and Scatterplot charts in the Editor mode, so they fit on a screen without the need to scroll
    • Interactive time range filter is now configurable via Horizontal Axis field
    • Animation field has been moved to its own category (Animations)
    • Animations can now be run in dynamic-scales mode
    • Overall UI has been slightly adjusted to better match the design. It's now possible to collapse sections inside the field editor panel
    • Call to action to fix broken area charts (missing data imputation) is now more visible
  • Fixes
    • Server-side filtering of large dimensions (more than 100 filter values) now works for versioned dimensions
    • Scales now adapt to color legend filter when using time slider
    • Columns now properly animate out, instead of disappearing
    • Empty color legend is no longer shown
    • Scatterplot X axis now correctly aligns its title in Safari
    • Interactive time range filter now respects the filter range set in the X field
    • Optional filter label is now correctly shown
    • It's now again possible to choose whether or not to show standard error whiskers
    • Standard errors are now displayed in grouped bar charts' tooltips
    • "Back to main" label is now always visible when opening the left, edit panel
    • The count of filters displayed when the filter section is collapsed now displays correct value
    • Tooltips with multiple values now have formatting that is consistent with single-value tooltips
  • Tests
    • Unit tests that import rdf-js library now run without errors
  • Refactors:
    • Consolidated chart state computation logic, which should make the charts less error-prone

[3.20.3] - 2023-07-04

  • Fixes
    • Dimension values are now correctly sorted is dimension is numerical dimension
    • Stacked bar chart now doesn't render gaps in case of a missing value
    • Imputation options for area charts are now available when all segments are defined, but there are undefined values in Y dimension
  • Tests
    • Introduced load tests using k6

[3.20.2] - 2023-06-20

  • Performance
    • The debug data is now only sent along with the payload when the debug mode is enabled
    • ContentMDXProvider is now only imported within the pages that actually need it instead of being included in the root of the app

[3.20.1] - 2023-06-19

  • Fixes
    • Color legend for hierarchical dimensions now shows only values that actually appear in the chart

[3.20.0] - 2023-06-15

  • Fixes
    • Sorting now works correctly for horizontal axis in column charts
    • Interactive data filters are not carried over to a new chart type when they are used as chart field
    • Interactive time range filter now works correctly in line charts
    • Interactive time range filter is now again correctly migrated to a new chart type

[3.19.20] - 2023-06-08

  • Fixes
    • Sorting now works correctly for temporal dimensions

[3.19.19] - 2023-06-06

  • Fixes
    • Bars with negative values are now correctly attached to 0 again.
    • Sorting now works correctly in line chart color legend and tables.
    • Color legend is again properly interactive.

[3.19.18] - 2023-05-16

  • Fixes
    • Columns now animate correctly when window is resized
  • Misc
    • Hidden Animation field behind feature flag

[3.19.17] - 2023-05-16

  • Features
    • Added Animation field for Column, Pie and Scatter charts 🎬
    • Added animations to columns in Column chart (position, size, color)
  • Fixes
    • Copying the map visualization is some rare scenarios
  • Performance
    • We only fetch necessary dimensions now in published mode, which should result in faster loading times
    • The sorting of dimensions on the server-side has been removed, which should improve observations loading time
  • Misc
    • Updated Spinner text (which appears when data takes a long time to load)

[3.19.16] - 2023-05-12

  • Features
    • Updated the design of minimal embed mode
  • Fixes
    • Temporal dimensions usage with X axes (Column chart)


A particular focus was given on data fetching performance. Interactions with are now noticeable faster.


  • Improved performance of cube data fetching

    • Added LRU cache to min max queries
    • Added query cache to bulk queries
    • Ordered filter so that non-discriminant filter are last
  • Fixed search performance through removal of combinatorial explosion due to language values

  • Improved GraphQL query devtool

    • Display number of SPARQL queries in query list
    • Sorted queries by duration


  • Embed options (ability to either embed minimal or standard chart). Publish actions have moved to the top of the published chart for better visibility.

[3.17.0] - 2022-12-06

  • Metadata is now shown in a dedicated panel that can be reached both from editor & published mode
  • It's now possible to use abbreviations in color segmentations and X fields for dimension values with schema:alternateName properties

[3.15.0] - 2022-11-29

  • Add search to filters with hierarchy
  • Move interactive filters in place
  • Diminish banner height in search
  • Increase depth limit of hierarchies to 6

[3.13.0] - 2022-11-22

  • Enhancements:
    • Cube Checker:
      • Introduced a Temporal dimensions scaleType & timeFormat checks
    • Data download:
      • Order of columns in downloaded files now matches the order visible in the dataset preview (based on shacl:order)
  • Bug fixes:
    • Correctly retrieve min & max values for Temporal dimensions when scaleType is not equal to Interval

[3.12.0] - 2022-11-15

  • Editor:
    • Introduced a loading state when switching dimension iris and a dataset is using a hierarchy
    • Added a "default" color palette which becomes available to be selected in a ColorPalette element when custom schema:color properties are defined for dimension values in the Cube Creator
  • Charts:
    • (table): Fixed available column styles based on dimension types (so it's not possible anymore to select "bar" cell type for nominal measures)
    • Run SPARQL button now points to a corrent data environment
    • Numbers pertaining to a dimension with a decimal datatype will be formatted with scientific notation
  • Dataset Preview:
    • Added a "Run SPARQL query" button
  • UI:
    • Introduced new UI for search & dataset preview pages
    • Updated filters editing by introducing the tree view for hierarchical dimensions
    • Introduced a structure to hierarchical dimensions in select elements in published charts

[3.11.0] - 2022-10-26

  • Charts:
    • Enable sorting of geo dimensions
    • Maintain segment sorting type correctly when switching from / to Pie chart
    • Fix sorting by measure when undefined values are present in the data
    • Enable CSS Color Module Level 3 color specifications in the color picker (instead of just HEX)
    • New "Automatic" sorting option using "identifier" or "position" or "label"
    • Sorting is enabled for line charts (sorts legend items and tooltip values)
  • Map:
    • Area & symbol layers now use the same approach as for segment field (optional select element), to be more consistent across the app
    • It's now possible to use discrete color mapping in both layers
  • Error messages:
    • Make missing timeFormat error message more explicit
  • Tests:
    • It's now easier and speedier to write E2E tests

[3.10.0] - 2022-10-19

  • Improve loading performance for larger cubes

[3.9.6] - 2022-10-12

  • Fix: IRIs of NFI cubes (previously there was None-None- includes in IRI; it was removed recently and we now migrate old IRIs to new IRIs)

[3.9.5] - 2022-10-04

  • Charts: fix bugs that caused scatterplot and pie charts to crash in case no categorical dimensions were present in a dataset
  • Embed: introduce chart config migrations to embed mode

[3.9.4] - 2022-09-29

  • Metadata: fix dimension metadata display for Grouped and Stacked column charts

[3.9.3] - 2022-09-29

  • Map: Retain filters when switching from another chart type to map
  • Charts: Tooltip describing dimensions shown at more places.
  • Search: Improvements concerning categories & themes.
  • Metadata: Dimensions metadata is shown in more places within the UI

[3.9.2] - 2022-09-20

  • Map: fix a layer offset problem on Windows Edge.
  • Search: Cubes without description were not returned

[3.9.0] - 2022-09-19


  • Dataset preview and chart edition: tooltips displaying dimension description are shown


  • Search: improve response times
  • Maps: Lakes are above dataviz layer

[3.8.0] - 2022-09-15

  • Search
    • Improve search time
    • Input value is kept when URL is shared
  • Added migrations of chart configs (breaking changes to schema will not break existing charts)
  • Tech
    • Diminish size of Javascript that is shipped to the client. Should improve page load performance
  • Charts
    • Better formatting of numbers inside chart tooltips (for example for currencies)
  • Filters
    • Initially, left filters are ordered so that dimension with hierarchy are at the top. Additionally, the topmost hierarchical value with a value is selected.
    • Color palette field has nicer UI

Note: We will try in the future to better follow semantic versioning.

[3.7.11] - 2022-09-09

  • 🚀 Maps
    • Symbols can now be colored according to a measure
    • Tilting /rotating is disabled
  • 🐛 Hierarchies: Fixes, better order in the left filters when there are multiple roots
  • 🐛 Table view: bug fix when switching from chart view on published view

[3.7.10] - 2022-08-26

  • Font adjustment in filters menu

[3.7.9] - 2022-08-25

  • Column order is based on the shacl:order defined in the data
    • For the dataset preview
    • For the table chart columns
  • Default state for area chart uses the hierarchy and selects bottommost children
  • Add cube checker to docs
  • Font alignments with design
  • Table config uses data column order to order columns
  • Search handles wildcards ("bath" returns "bathing site" results)
  • Currencies are better handled
  • Add landing page link to chart footnotes
  • Reintroduce chart selector panel section (additionally to popup on future tab)

[3.7.8] - 2022-08-22

  • Fixed organization search
  • Explanation on how to create groups for tables
  • Fixed delay in setting datasource

[3.7.7] - 2022-08-17

  • Add an option to see cubes from different LINDAS environments within one Visualize instance
  • Store data source in charts' configs
  • Improvement to hierarchy handling
    • See hierarchies in left filters
    • See hierarchies in the legend
    • Selection of values as part of segmentation now supports search and has been redesigned for clarity
  • Improvements to default selection of values for segmentation
    • Only 7 values
  • Legend symbols: squares (instead of lines) are used for pie / area / columns bar
  • Ability to lock a map to the current viewed bounding box

[3.7.4] - 2022-05-31

  • Do not show "Run SPARQL query" button if SPARL_EDITOR variable not set
  • Add link top when the cube is published there (chart footnotes + chart preview info panel)
  • Repair homepage examples on test

[3.7.2] - 2022-05-24

  • Support for filtering values from a dimension with monthly data (fix #564)

[3.7.1] - 2022-05-23

  • Fix page jump when switching from chart to table (published and editing mode)

[3.7.0] - 2022-05-05

  • Maps: Use neutral map style
  • Interactive filters: time brush is more stable
  • Tables: Column names contain unit if its there by @ptbrowne in #552
  • Tables: Support for monthtly period formatting
  • Tables: Bar chart in cells are fixed
  • Navigation: Back button in editor 1st screen brings back to dataset preview
  • Add status page link in the footer

[3.6.3] - 2022-05-05

  • Maps symbols are shown over all layers

[3.6.2] - 2022-04-26

  • Polished data download UI
  • Ability to switch to table view on any chart
  • Fixed scrolling of table preview & other smaller UI things in published charts
  • Only the top 7 nav items are shown in the search nav bar (design alignment), a button is there to display more
  • Added the footer in the search page
  • Maps chloropleth are shown under map labels. Maps symbols are shown over most map features. When zooming via the buttons, we now have a smooth transition
  • Removed chart selection step; selection of a chart type can now be done at any point when creating a chart (added a new chart selection tabs UI)
  • Implemented logic to keep as much chart configuration as possible when switching chart type

[3.4.10] - 2022-04-11

  • Search improvements (handles trailing space and casing)
  • Data download improvements (new UI with an ability to select XLSX file format)
  • Raw data preview from the chart level
  • Fixed parsing of xsd:gYearMonth timeFormat in TemporalDimension
  • Updated date formatting for the Month timeUnit to be more user-friendly
  • Changed pie chart legend symbol from line to square
  • Migration to MUI

[3.4.7] - 2022-02-18

  • Search has been improved #256
    • Better support for acronyms
    • Less fuzzy search
    • Ability to search inside creator, themes, keywords

[3.4.5] - 2022-02-25

  • Switch to a global vector tile service for the maps
  • Do not allow numerical dimensions in the options fields
  • Fix wrong contrast for text and background color in tooltip for symbols (maps)
  • Improve placement of tooltips and fix tooltips being cut
  • Change example on homepage

[3.4.4] - 2022-02-23

  • Show unit and standard error inside map tooltip
  • Prevent geo coordinates display error when all shapes on a map are deselected
  • Show "-" inside a map tooltip when no value is present

[3.4.2] - 2022-02-21

  • Hide all elements related to labels, not only text by @bprusinowski in #387
  • Do not set automatically empty filters by @ptbrowne in #384
  • Do not show standard error in possible filters by @ptbrowne in #395
  • Fix search and drafts count by @ptbrowne in #396
  • Map improvements by @bprusinowski in #397

[3.4.0] - 2022-02-18



  • Page have improved titles now, depending on where you are on the application. Helpful when you have multiple tabs with visualize.admin or when you bookmark things. #331
  • Theme and organization navigation counts take into account the search field now. #329
  • Improved chart editing navigation #337
  • Improved chart publish action buttons #337


  • Implemented a new base layer which makes use of vector tiles #351


  • Improved cascading filters selection to ensure data is shown after filter selection #343
  • Improved initial filter selection to ensure data is shown on the selecting chart type step #327

Standard error

  • Standard errors are displayed automatically for column chart and grouped column chart. #352 #356
  • Tooltip for simple column chart contain the standard error. #366


  • Fix selection of optional date filter #332
  • Fix discrete color scales with less than 3 observations #309

[3.3.0] - 2022-02-07


It is now possible to use maps as a new visualization type. Quantities can be encoded as a scatterplot on the map. Datasets which have GeoShapes or GeoCoordinates dimensions can be charted on a map.

#294 #289 #292 #286 #240 #293 #301 #302

Cascading filters

Now the left panel filters are cascading filters: values chosen for above filters will be taken into account for below filters. Also, optional filters are not shown at first but can be added via a menu.



  • Banner and icons have been removed on the homepage #297
  • Ordinal dimensions values are now sorted in various places (legend, right filters, tooltips) #262
  • Dataset loading errors have been improved #304
  • 🐛 By default, search results are sorted by relevance #273
  • A small description text is shown while browsing all datasets #268
  • Drag and drop is available on all the row, not only on the icon for table chart groups #265
  • beta Hierarchical filters are available behind a flag on the "red list" dataset #233
  • 🐛 Links from openswissdata should work correctly #303 #314

[0.6.0] - 2020-05-25


  • Option for sorting elements in charts (e.g. sorting column charts by value instead of alphabetically)
  • Option for defining custom colors for individual values.


  • Only allow temporal dimensions for line and area chart x-axis
  • Only show scrollbars when necessary
  • Show loading indicator in editor when data is reloading

[0.5.2] – 2020-05-04


  • To prevent search indexing of staging environments, the header X-Robots-Tag will be set to noindex, unless the env variable ALLOW_SEARCH_BOTS=true is set.


  • Disabled compilation of dependencies in node_modules with Babel. This resolves some build issues.

[0.5.1] – 2020-04-29


  • Remove "none" from pie partition options
  • Add a hint when negative values are used in the pie
  • Fix number of time axis ticks in partitioned charts

[0.5.0] - 2020-04-22


  • Tooltips for all chart types
  • Automated snapshot regression tests
  • Static pages setup for imprint and legal pages
  • Content for static pages
  • Search and sort options in dataset selection step
  • Pie chart type
  • Home page and UI translations for all languages
  • Make core app usable as npm package


  • Improved wording on home page
  • Fetch configs directly from DB on server
  • Improved "themeability" by refactoring component styles
  • Refactor to use next.js getServerSideProps where applicable
  • Enable CORS on GraphQL endpoint


  • i18n: Set html lang attribute
  • Handle single-measure temporal datasets
  • Better date parsing (don't assume all dates are years)
  • Improvements to responsive axis label rendering
  • Viewport meta tag for AEM embeds
  • Various QA fixes

[0.4.0] - 2020-02-12


  • GraphQL API: Move all SPARQL/Data Cube fetching and transformation logic behind a GraphQL API
  • "Copy Visualization" feature


  • Remove dependency on vega and replace with custom React + D3 charts


  • Remote Data logic, SWR (both replaced by GraphQL)
