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Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering library

MATLAB and C++ tools for agglomerative clustering.

Version: 1.0 Date: 6 September 2016 Author: Joseph Robinson Email: [email protected]


STR-HAC is a set of tools developed to run large scale agglomerative clustering. Software package is in MATLAB and C++. Upon reading this README, the organization of package should be clear; else, please contact me with any questions (in which case this will likely trigger reason to update this README to clarify any items that were found to be unclear).


Development was done on Mac OS X El Capitan (Version 10.11.6), but should work on any Unix or Linux based system with the following requirements satisfied:

  • MATLAB 2015b (or newer)


COMPILING STR-HAC C++ PROGRAM Go into the project folder and type:

cd cpp; mkdir build; cd build; cmake .. ; cmake --build .

NOTE: It is required that project is make is done in build directory, as MATLAB demos assume this is the location of C++ executables.



As --help would display:

Agglomerative Clustering C++ Tools

Usage: /Users/jrob/Agglomerative_Clustering/Agglomerative_Clustering/build/Debug/Agglomerative_Clustering [OPTION...]

Requirements options: -i, --ifile FILE Input CSV file containing distance matrix -f, --format FILE FORMAT Format of input file (tuple (or T) or dmatrix (or D)) (default: T) -o, --ofile FILE Output filepath

Optional options: -l, --ltype INT Merge Criteria (0=complete-link; 1=single-link; 2=single-pass) (default: 1) -k, --nclusters INT Number of clusters to predict (default: 2) -e, --eps DOUBLE Threshold for single-pass clustering (default: 2.6) -h, --help Print help

Sample command line call: ./Agglomerative_Clustering -i /distance_matrix.csv -o cluster_ids.txt -l 1 -k 4

The usage exemplified above would generate 4 clusters for 'distance_matrix.csv' using single-linkage criteria and dumping results (i.e., cluster ids) in 'cluster_ids.txt'.

Equivalently: ./Agglomerative_Clustering -ifile /distance_matrix.csv -ofile cluster_ids.txt -ltype 1 -nclusters 4

Or: ./Agglomerative_Clustering -i /distance_matrix.csv -d -o cluster_ids.txt -l 1 -f D -k 4

If the data file (i.e., input file) is formatted as a set of tuples, then executable is called as follows: ./Agglomerative_Clustering -i /tuples.csv -d -o cluster_ids.txt -l 1 -f T -k 4

Note, command line arguments can be passed in in any order. However, -i and -o (i/o) args are required; else, the program will print error and terminate.