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Abelujo - free software to manage independent book (and records) shops.

français: Lisez-moi

This project is at its debut stage. However it is already possible to:

  • look up for books, either by keywords or by isbn/ean (which works with a barcode scanner). See the library. You can currently search for:

  • look up for CDs (via

  • do an inventories of your stock,

  • manage lists of books, export them to csv and pdf (with barcodes),

  • send an email to distributors to order books,

  • manage deposits and distributors, see the balance of your deposits,

  • sell books, see conflicts of distributors, see the history,

  • import data from a LibreOffice Calc file (.ods) (experimental, cli only. See the user documentation).

It is translated to english, french and spanish.

We base our work on the software specifications from the Ruche project (to which we particpated): http: We wrote there what we understood about the work of a bookseller (like how to manage different distributors, how to manage deposits, etc). You should read it and tell us wether or not what we are doing will suit your needs (I'll translate this document to english one day or another, but you should tell me now if you're interested).

Abelujo means Beehive in Esperanto.

Feedback welcomed at ehvince at mailz dot org.

looking for a registered card


Instructions for Debian 8.

build status

Either do the quick way:

curl -sS | bash -

this will clone the repo in the current directory and install all its dependencies.

or read below for the detailed instructions.

See after to install without sudo.

Get the sources:

git clone --recursive

it creates the directory "abelujo":

cd abelujo

Install the required dependencies for Debian (Ubuntu/LinuxMint/etc):

make debian
# a shortcut for
# sudo apt-get install python-pip nodejs nodejs-legacy
# sudo pip install --upgrade pip
# sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper
# sudo yarn install gulp -g  # a JS build system. (warn: -g is deprecated)
# Debian users have to install nodejs-legacy if the node command doesn't give you a javascript shell.
# Unixes: install yarn (and not npm) with
# curl -o- -L | bash

Also install the Nodejs platform and the yarn package manager (instead of npm):

 sudo make install-nodejs

Create and activate a virtual environment (so than we can install python libraries locally, not globally to your system). Do as you are used to, or do the following:

source # [venvname] (optional argument)
workon abelujo
pip install --upgrade pip  # v9 or above is recommended.

now your shell prompt should show you are in the abelujo virtualenv. To quit the virutal env, type deactivate. To enter it, type workon \<TAB\> abelujo.

To install the dependencies, create and populate the database, run:

make install
# and if bower asks for the version of Angular, choose version #1.3.20.

We are done ! Now to try Abelujo, run the development server like this:

make run
# or set the port with:
# python runserver 9876

and open your browser to http: (admin/admin).

Enjoy ! Don't forget to give feedback at ehvince at mailz dot org !

Install without sudo

make debian-nosudo
make install-nosudo

please read the Makefile in this particular case.

How to update

To update, you need to: pull the sources (git pull --rebase), install new packages (system and python-wide), run the database migrations, build the static assets and, in production, collect the static files.

In the virtual env, run:

make update
# git pull --rebase
# git submodule update --remote
# install pip, migrate, gulp, collecstatic, compile transalation files


Django project (1.8), in python (2.7), with AngularJS (1.3) and the Django Rest Framework (partly).

We also use:

Read more about our tools choices to understand better what does what and how everything works together.

See the developer documentation: http: This is our database graph (make graphdb).

Dev installation

As a complement to the installion procedure above, you also need to install development dependencies that are listed in another requirements file::

make pip-dev

and npm packages to run end to end tests:

make npm-dev  # packages listed in devDependencies of packages.json

Additional management commands start with my_.

Configure services


Put your Sentry private token in a sentry.txt file. The settings will see and read it.

To get Fabric send it to the remote instance on install (fab install calls fab save_variables), add the token into your clients.yaml under sentry_token (see the fabfile).

Test with python raven test and see the new message in your dashboard.

Run unit tests

make unit

Load data

See the scripts in scripts/ to load data (specially shelves names), in different languages.


If you get:

OperationalError: no such column: search_card.card_type_id

it is probably because you pulled the sources and didn't update your DB. Use database migrations (make migrate).


We have developer documentation: http: