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MtApi provides a .NET API for working with famous trading platfrom MetaTrader(MetaQuotes).
It is not API for connection to MT servers directly. MtApi is just a bridge between MT terminal and .NET applications designed by developers.
MtApi executes MQL commands and functions by MtApi's expert linked to chart of MetaTrader.
Most of the API's functions duplicates MQL interface.
The project was designed using WCF framework with the intention of using flexibility to setup connections.

Build environment

The project is supported by Visual Studio 2017.
It requires WIX Tools for preparing project's installers (http:

Installing WIX for mtapi:

  1. Make sure you install one of the latest (3.14+) development releases of the wixtoolset. (If you use an older installer you will have to install the ancient .NET 3.5 framework, and that I am sure you will regret, if you do!).
  2. Run the installer and wait for completion or for asking to also install the VS extensions.

alt text

  1. Install the WiX Toolset Visual Studio Extension depending on your VS version. For example, if you use VS 2017, go here or download from their GitHub, releases.

Use MetaEditor to working with MQL files.

How to Build Solution

To build the solution for MT4 you need to choose configuration x86 and start build MtApiInstaller.
It will build all projects related to MT4: MtApi, MTApiService, MTConnector.

For bulding solution used with MT5 choose configuration x64 (or x86) and start build MtApi5Installer.
It will build projects related to MT5: MtApi5, MTApiService, MT5Connector.

All binaries are placed in folder [root]/build.
Installers (*.msi, .exe) - [root]/build/installers/
Binaries (
.dll) - [root]/bin/

MQL files have been pre-compiled to ex4 and stored into repository:

Changing the source code of MQL expert requires recompilation with MetaEditor.
The files "hash.mqh" and "json.mqh" must be placed to the MetaEditor include folder before compile. For example:

Project Structure

MTApiService (C#, .dll) - common engine communication project of the API. It contains the implementations of client and server sides.
MTConnector, MT5Connector (C++/CLI, .dll) - libraries that working as proxy between MQL and C# layers. They provides interfaces
MtApi, MtApi5 (C#, .dll) - client side libraries that are using in user's projects.
MQL (MQL4/MQL5, .ex4) - MT4 and MT5 expets linked to terminal's charts. They executes API's functions and provides trading events.
MtApiInstaller, MtApi5Installer (WIX, .msi) - project's installers.
MtApiBootstrapper, MtApi5Bootstrapper (WIX, .exe) - installation package bundles. There are wrappers for installers that contains the vc_redist libraries (Visual C++ runtime) placed in [root]\vcredist.


Use installers to setup all libraries automatically.
MtApiInstaller setup the API's files for MetaTrader 4.
MtApi5Installer setup the API's files for MetaTrader 5.
MtApiBootstrapper or MtApi5Bootstrapper are installation package bundles contains installers and vc_redist libraries.

The installers places MTApiService.dll into Windows GAC (Global Assembly Cache) and copies MTConnector.dll and MT5Connector.dll into Windows's system folder.
After instalation MtApi expert (MtApi.ex4 or MtApi5.ex5) must be copied into folder for Expert Advisors (/MQL5/Experts). To quickly navigate to the trading platform data folder, click "Open data folder" in the File menu.


MtApi provides two types of connection to MetaTrader terminal: local (using Pipe or TCP) and remote (via TCP).
The port of connection is defined by MtApi expert.

Console sample for MT5:

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using MtApi5;

namespace MtApi5Console
    class Program
        static readonly EventWaitHandle _connnectionWaiter = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        static readonly MtApi5Client _mtapi = new MtApi5Client();

        static void _mtapi_ConnectionStateChanged(object sender, Mt5ConnectionEventArgs e)
            switch (e.Status)
                case Mt5ConnectionState.Connecting:
                case Mt5ConnectionState.Connected:
                case Mt5ConnectionState.Disconnected:
                case Mt5ConnectionState.Failed:
                    Console.WriteLine("Connection failed.");

        static void _mtapi_QuoteAdded(object sender, Mt5QuoteEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Quote added with symbol {0}", e.Quote.Instrument);

        static void _mtapi_QuoteRemoved(object sender, Mt5QuoteEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Quote removed with symbol {0}", e.Quote.Instrument);

        static void _mtapi_QuoteUpdate(object sender, Mt5QuoteEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Quote updated: {0} - {1} : {2}", e.Quote.Instrument, e.Quote.Bid, e.Quote.Ask);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Application started.");

            _mtapi.ConnectionStateChanged += _mtapi_ConnectionStateChanged;
            _mtapi.QuoteAdded += _mtapi_QuoteAdded;
            _mtapi.QuoteRemoved += _mtapi_QuoteRemoved;
            _mtapi.QuoteUpdate += _mtapi_QuoteUpdate;


            if (_mtapi.ConnectionState == Mt5ConnectionState.Connected)

            Console.WriteLine("Application finished. Press any key...");

        private static void Run()
            ConsoleKeyInfo cki;
                cki = Console.ReadKey();
                switch (cki.KeyChar.ToString())
                    case "b":
                    case "s":
            } while (cki.Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);


        private static async void Buy()
            const string symbol = "EURUSD";
            const double volume = 0.1;
            MqlTradeResult tradeResult = null;
            var retVal = await Execute(() => _mtapi.Buy(out tradeResult, volume, symbol));
            Console.WriteLine($"Buy: symbol EURUSD retVal = {retVal}, result = {tradeResult}");

        private static async void Sell()
            const string symbol = "EURUSD";
            const double volume = 0.1;
            MqlTradeResult tradeResult = null;
            var retVal = await Execute(() => _mtapi.Sell(out tradeResult, volume, symbol));
            Console.WriteLine($"Sell: symbol EURUSD retVal = {retVal}, result = {tradeResult}");

        private static async Task<TResult> Execute<TResult>(Func<TResult> func)
            return await Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                var result = default(TResult);
                    result = func();
                catch (ExecutionException ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Exception: {ex.ErrorCode} - {ex.Message}");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Exception: {ex.Message}");

                return result;

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