OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 Framework for ASP.NET Core
The automatic type-safe REST library for .NET Core, Xamarin and .NET. Heavily inspired by Square's Retrofit library, Refit turns your REST API into a live interface.
Swagger tools for documenting API's built on ASP.NET Core
Welcome to the home of the Hot Chocolate GraphQL server for .NET, the Strawberry Shake GraphQL client for .NET and Banana Cake Pop the awesome Monaco based GraphQL IDE.
Sample .NET Core REST API CQRS implementation with raw SQL and DDD using Clean Architecture.
Piranha CMS is the friendly editor-focused CMS for .NET that can be used both as an integrated CMS or as a headless API.
A library for adding scripting to .NET applications. Supports V8 (Windows, Linux, macOS) and JScript/VBScript (Windows).
Install .NET 7 on a Raspberry Pi with a single line.