# This file describes an application. You can have multiple applications # in the same project. # The name of this app. Must be unique within a project. name: symfonydocs # The toolstack used to build the application. type: "python:3.7" # The configuration of app when it is exposed to the web. web: # The public directory of the app, relative to its root. document_root: "/_build/html" index_files: - index.html whitelist: - \.html$ - \.txt$ # CSS and Javascript. - \.css$ - \.js$ - \.hbs$ # image/* types. - \.gif$ - \.png$ - \.ico$ - \.svgz?$ # fonts types. - \.ttf$ - \.eot$ - \.woff$ - \.otf$ # robots.txt. - /robots\.txt$ # The size of the persistent disk of the application (in MB). disk: 512 # Build time dependencies. dependencies: python: virtualenv: 15.1.0 # The hooks that will be performed when the package is deployed. hooks: build: | virtualenv .virtualenv . .virtualenv/bin/activate # SymfonyCloud currently sets PIP_USER=1. export PIP_USER= pip install pip==9.0.1 wheel==0.29.0 pip install -r _build/.requirements.txt find .virtualenv -type f -name "*.rst" -delete make -C _build html