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File metadata and controls

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ChangeLog Library Customization and Tips

There are many ways you can customize the changelog view.

Custom Header Layout

Library uses res/layout/changelogrowheader_layout.xml XML layout for each header.
You can use your own xml layout with chg:rowHeaderLayoutId attribute in ChangeLogListView element.

    <!-- Custom xml file Example and custom header layout -->
    <view xmlns:android=""

The quickest way to start with this would be to copy the changelogrowheader_layout.xml layout resource file from this project into your own and modify its contents.
There's a specific set of views you need to have in your layout:

  1. A TextView with the ID chg_headerVersion that display the Version Number
  2. A TextView with the ID chg_headerDate that display the Version Date

You can find an example in demo_changelogrowheader_layout.xml

Custom Row Layout

Library uses res/layout/changelogrow_layout.xml XML layout for each row.
You can use your own xml layout with chg:rowLayoutId attribute in ChangeLogListView element.

    <!-- Custom xml file Example and custom header layout -->
    <view xmlns:android=""

The quickest way to start with this would be to copy the changelogrow_layout.xml layout resource file from this project into your own and modify its contents.
There's a specific set of views you need to have in your layout:

  1. A TextView with the ID chg_textbullet that display the bullet point
  2. A TextView with the ID chg_text that display the actual text that will be displayed as a change in your List

You can find an example in demo_changelogrow_layout.xml

Custom ChangeLog XML

Library uses res/raw/changelog.xml. You can use your own file with chg:changeLogFileResourceId attribute in ChangeLogListView element.

    <!-- Custom xml file Example and custom header layout -->
    <view xmlns:android=""

You can find an example in demo_changelogrow_fragment_customlayout.xml

Bullet Point

The quickest way to customize this character is to specify this resource in your strings.xml.

   <string name="changelog_row_bulletpoint">\u2022"</string>

If you don't want a bullet list you can specify it in changelog.xml file with bulletedList="false" attribute.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <changelog bulletedList="false">

Html Text Markup

You can use some html text markup as bold and italic in your changelog.xml

   <changelogversion versionName="0.9" changeDate="Aug 11,2013">
        <changelogtext>[b]New![/b] Add new attrs to customize header and row layout</changelogtext>
        <changelogtext>Fixed log while [i]parsing[/i] </changelogtext>
        <changelogtext>performance &lt;b&gt;improvement&lt;/b&gt;</changelogtext>

You can use:

  1. [b] text [/b] for a bold style, or &lt;b&gt; text &lt;/b&gt;
  2. [i] text [/i] for an italic style, or &lt;b&gt; text &lt;/i&gt;

Customize Version String

You can customize Version String in header.
The quickest way to customize this character is to specify this resource in your strings.xml.

<string name="changelog_header_version">"Revision "</string>

Use string with quotes if you want a space.

For more detailed information and examples you can read this document: