# This repository is out of date, please go to http://github.com/PyProphet/pyprophet instead pyprophet ========= python reimplementation of mProphet algorithm. For more information, see the following publication: Reiter L, Rinner O, Picotti P, Hüttenhain R, Beck M, Brusniak MY, Hengartner MO, Aebersold R. *mProphet: automated data processing and statistical validation for large-scale SRM experiments.* **Nat Methods.** 2011 May;8(5):430-5. [doi: 10.1038/nmeth.1584.](http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.1584) Epub 2011 Mar 20. In short, the algorithm can take targeted proteomics data, learn a linear separation between true signal and the noise signal and then compute a q-value (false discovery rate) to achieve experiment-wide cutoffs. Installation ============ Install *pyprophet* from Python package index: ```` $ pip install numpy $ pip install pyprophet ```` Running pyprophet ================= *pyoprophet* is not only a Python package, but also a command line tool: ```` $ pyprophet --help ```` or: ```` $ pyprophet --delim=tab tests/test_data.txt ```` Running tests ============= The *pyprophet* tests are best executed using `py.test` and `pytest-regtest` plugin, to run the tests use: ```` $ pip install pytest $ pip install pytest-regtest $ py.test tests ````