# # Memory domain: self # Component: self # register: unlimited, cost: 0 nsec # remote key: 0 bytes # rkey_ptr is supported # memory types: host (access,reg_nonblock,reg,cache) # # Transport: self # Device: memory # Type: loopback # System device: # # capabilities: # bandwidth: 0.00/ppn + 19360.00 MB/sec # latency: 0 nsec # overhead: 10 nsec # put_short: <= 4294967295 # put_bcopy: unlimited # get_bcopy: unlimited # am_short: <= 8K # am_bcopy: <= 8K # domain: cpu # atomic_add: 32, 64 bit # atomic_and: 32, 64 bit # atomic_or: 32, 64 bit # atomic_xor: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fadd: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fand: 32, 64 bit # atomic_for: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fxor: 32, 64 bit # atomic_swap: 32, 64 bit # atomic_cswap: 32, 64 bit # connection: to iface # device priority: 0 # device num paths: 1 # max eps: inf # device address: 0 bytes # iface address: 8 bytes # error handling: ep_check # # # Memory domain: tcp # Component: tcp # register: unlimited, cost: 0 nsec # remote key: 0 bytes # memory types: host (access,reg_nonblock,reg,cache) # # Transport: tcp # Device: enp225s0f0 # Type: network # System device: enp225s0f0 (0) # # capabilities: # bandwidth: 113.16/ppn + 0.00 MB/sec # latency: 5776 nsec # overhead: 50000 nsec # put_zcopy: <= 18446744073709551590, up to 6 iov # put_opt_zcopy_align: <= 1 # put_align_mtu: <= 0 # am_short: <= 8K # am_bcopy: <= 8K # am_zcopy: <= 64K, up to 6 iov # am_opt_zcopy_align: <= 1 # am_align_mtu: <= 0 # am header: <= 8037 # connection: to ep, to iface # device priority: 1 # device num paths: 1 # max eps: 256 # device address: 6 bytes # iface address: 2 bytes # ep address: 10 bytes # error handling: peer failure, ep_check, keepalive # # Transport: tcp # Device: ib0 # Type: network # System device: ib0 (1) # # capabilities: # bandwidth: 2200.00/ppn + 0.00 MB/sec # latency: 5206 nsec # overhead: 50000 nsec # put_zcopy: <= 18446744073709551590, up to 6 iov # put_opt_zcopy_align: <= 1 # put_align_mtu: <= 0 # am_short: <= 8K # am_bcopy: <= 8K # am_zcopy: <= 64K, up to 6 iov # am_opt_zcopy_align: <= 1 # am_align_mtu: <= 0 # am header: <= 8037 # connection: to ep, to iface # device priority: 0 # device num paths: 1 # max eps: 256 # device address: 6 bytes # iface address: 2 bytes # ep address: 10 bytes # error handling: peer failure, ep_check, keepalive # # Transport: tcp # Device: lo # Type: network # System device: # # capabilities: # bandwidth: 11.91/ppn + 0.00 MB/sec # latency: 10960 nsec # overhead: 50000 nsec # put_zcopy: <= 18446744073709551590, up to 6 iov # put_opt_zcopy_align: <= 1 # put_align_mtu: <= 0 # am_short: <= 8K # am_bcopy: <= 8K # am_zcopy: <= 64K, up to 6 iov # am_opt_zcopy_align: <= 1 # am_align_mtu: <= 0 # am header: <= 8037 # connection: to ep, to iface # device priority: 1 # device num paths: 1 # max eps: 256 # device address: 18 bytes # iface address: 2 bytes # ep address: 10 bytes # error handling: peer failure, ep_check, keepalive # # # Connection manager: tcp # max_conn_priv: 2064 bytes # # Memory domain: sysv # Component: sysv # allocate: unlimited # remote key: 12 bytes # rkey_ptr is supported # memory types: host (access,alloc,cache) # # Transport: sysv # Device: memory # Type: intra-node # System device: # # capabilities: # bandwidth: 0.00/ppn + 15360.00 MB/sec # latency: 80 nsec # overhead: 10 nsec # put_short: <= 4294967295 # put_bcopy: unlimited # get_bcopy: unlimited # am_short: <= 100 # am_bcopy: <= 8256 # domain: cpu # atomic_add: 32, 64 bit # atomic_and: 32, 64 bit # atomic_or: 32, 64 bit # atomic_xor: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fadd: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fand: 32, 64 bit # atomic_for: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fxor: 32, 64 bit # atomic_swap: 32, 64 bit # atomic_cswap: 32, 64 bit # connection: to iface # device priority: 0 # device num paths: 1 # max eps: inf # device address: 8 bytes # iface address: 8 bytes # error handling: ep_check # # # Memory domain: posix # Component: posix # allocate: <= 131723436K # remote key: 24 bytes # rkey_ptr is supported # memory types: host (access,alloc,cache) # # Transport: posix # Device: memory # Type: intra-node # System device: # # capabilities: # bandwidth: 0.00/ppn + 15360.00 MB/sec # latency: 80 nsec # overhead: 10 nsec # put_short: <= 4294967295 # put_bcopy: unlimited # get_bcopy: unlimited # am_short: <= 100 # am_bcopy: <= 8256 # domain: cpu # atomic_add: 32, 64 bit # atomic_and: 32, 64 bit # atomic_or: 32, 64 bit # atomic_xor: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fadd: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fand: 32, 64 bit # atomic_for: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fxor: 32, 64 bit # atomic_swap: 32, 64 bit # atomic_cswap: 32, 64 bit # connection: to iface # device priority: 0 # device num paths: 1 # max eps: inf # device address: 8 bytes # iface address: 8 bytes # error handling: ep_check # # # Memory domain: mlx5_0 # Component: ib # register: unlimited, cost: 16000 + 0.060 * N nsec # remote key: 8 bytes # local memory handle is required for zcopy # memory invalidation is supported # memory types: host (access,reg,cache) # # Transport: dc_mlx5 # Device: mlx5_0:1 # Type: network # System device: mlx5_0 (1) # # capabilities: # bandwidth: 11794.23/ppn + 0.00 MB/sec # latency: 660 nsec # overhead: 40 nsec # put_short: <= 2K # put_bcopy: <= 8256 # put_zcopy: <= 1G, up to 11 iov # put_opt_zcopy_align: <= 512 # put_align_mtu: <= 4K # get_bcopy: <= 8256 # get_zcopy: 65..1G, up to 11 iov # get_opt_zcopy_align: <= 512 # get_align_mtu: <= 4K # am_short: <= 2046 # am_bcopy: <= 8254 # am_zcopy: <= 8254, up to 3 iov # am_opt_zcopy_align: <= 512 # am_align_mtu: <= 4K # am header: <= 138 # domain: device # atomic_add: 32, 64 bit # atomic_and: 32, 64 bit # atomic_or: 32, 64 bit # atomic_xor: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fadd: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fand: 32, 64 bit # atomic_for: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fxor: 32, 64 bit # atomic_swap: 32, 64 bit # atomic_cswap: 32, 64 bit # connection: to iface # device priority: 50 # device num paths: 1 # max eps: inf # device address: 3 bytes # iface address: 7 bytes # error handling: buffer (zcopy), remote access, peer failure, ep_check # # # Transport: rc_verbs # Device: mlx5_0:1 # Type: network # System device: mlx5_0 (1) # # capabilities: # bandwidth: 11794.23/ppn + 0.00 MB/sec # latency: 600 + 1.000 * N nsec # overhead: 75 nsec # put_short: <= 124 # put_bcopy: <= 8256 # put_zcopy: <= 1G, up to 5 iov # put_opt_zcopy_align: <= 512 # put_align_mtu: <= 4K # get_bcopy: <= 8256 # get_zcopy: 65..1G, up to 5 iov # get_opt_zcopy_align: <= 512 # get_align_mtu: <= 4K # am_short: <= 123 # am_bcopy: <= 8255 # am_zcopy: <= 8255, up to 4 iov # am_opt_zcopy_align: <= 512 # am_align_mtu: <= 4K # am header: <= 127 # domain: device # atomic_add: 64 bit # atomic_fadd: 64 bit # atomic_cswap: 64 bit # connection: to ep # device priority: 50 # device num paths: 1 # max eps: 256 # device address: 3 bytes # ep address: 7 bytes # error handling: peer failure, ep_check # # # Transport: rc_mlx5 # Device: mlx5_0:1 # Type: network # System device: mlx5_0 (1) # # capabilities: # bandwidth: 11794.23/ppn + 0.00 MB/sec # latency: 600 + 1.000 * N nsec # overhead: 40 nsec # put_short: <= 2K # put_bcopy: <= 8256 # put_zcopy: <= 1G, up to 14 iov # put_opt_zcopy_align: <= 512 # put_align_mtu: <= 4K # get_bcopy: <= 8256 # get_zcopy: 65..1G, up to 14 iov # get_opt_zcopy_align: <= 512 # get_align_mtu: <= 4K # am_short: <= 2046 # am_bcopy: <= 8254 # am_zcopy: <= 8254, up to 3 iov # am_opt_zcopy_align: <= 512 # am_align_mtu: <= 4K # am header: <= 186 # domain: device # atomic_add: 32, 64 bit # atomic_and: 32, 64 bit # atomic_or: 32, 64 bit # atomic_xor: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fadd: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fand: 32, 64 bit # atomic_for: 32, 64 bit # atomic_fxor: 32, 64 bit # atomic_swap: 32, 64 bit # atomic_cswap: 32, 64 bit # connection: to ep # device priority: 50 # device num paths: 1 # max eps: 256 # device address: 3 bytes # ep address: 10 bytes # error handling: buffer (zcopy), remote access, peer failure, ep_check # # # Transport: ud_verbs # Device: mlx5_0:1 # Type: network # System device: mlx5_0 (1) # # capabilities: # bandwidth: 11794.23/ppn + 0.00 MB/sec # latency: 630 nsec # overhead: 105 nsec # am_short: <= 116 # am_bcopy: <= 4088 # am_zcopy: <= 4088, up to 5 iov # am_opt_zcopy_align: <= 512 # am_align_mtu: <= 4K # am header: <= 3992 # connection: to ep, to iface # device priority: 50 # device num paths: 1 # max eps: inf # device address: 3 bytes # iface address: 3 bytes # ep address: 6 bytes # error handling: peer failure, ep_check # # # Transport: ud_mlx5 # Device: mlx5_0:1 # Type: network # System device: mlx5_0 (1) # # capabilities: # bandwidth: 11794.23/ppn + 0.00 MB/sec # latency: 630 nsec # overhead: 80 nsec # am_short: <= 180 # am_bcopy: <= 4088 # am_zcopy: <= 4088, up to 3 iov # am_opt_zcopy_align: <= 512 # am_align_mtu: <= 4K # am header: <= 132 # connection: to ep, to iface # device priority: 50 # device num paths: 1 # max eps: inf # device address: 3 bytes # iface address: 3 bytes # ep address: 6 bytes # error handling: peer failure, ep_check # # # Connection manager: rdmacm # max_conn_priv: 54 bytes # # Memory domain: cma # Component: cma # register: unlimited, cost: 9 nsec # memory types: host (access,reg_nonblock,reg,cache) # # Transport: cma # Device: memory # Type: intra-node # System device: # # capabilities: # bandwidth: 0.00/ppn + 11145.00 MB/sec # latency: 80 nsec # overhead: 2000 nsec # put_zcopy: unlimited, up to 16 iov # put_opt_zcopy_align: <= 1 # put_align_mtu: <= 1 # get_zcopy: unlimited, up to 16 iov # get_opt_zcopy_align: <= 1 # get_align_mtu: <= 1 # connection: to iface # device priority: 0 # device num paths: 1 # max eps: inf # device address: 8 bytes # iface address: 4 bytes # error handling: peer failure, ep_check # # # Memory domain: knem # Component: knem # register: unlimited, cost: 1200 + 0.007 * N nsec # remote key: 16 bytes # memory types: host (access,reg,cache) # # Transport: knem # Device: memory # Type: intra-node # System device: # # capabilities: # bandwidth: 0.00/ppn + 13862.00 MB/sec # latency: 80 nsec # overhead: 2000 nsec # put_zcopy: unlimited, up to 16 iov # put_opt_zcopy_align: <= 1 # put_align_mtu: <= 1 # get_zcopy: unlimited, up to 16 iov # get_opt_zcopy_align: <= 1 # get_align_mtu: <= 1 # connection: to iface # device priority: 0 # device num paths: 1 # max eps: inf # device address: 8 bytes # iface address: 0 bytes # error handling: none #