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The Official Vite Dapp Template

Getting Started

npm install

# run unit test for test/*.spec.ts
npx vuilder test

# deploy contract
# edit scripts/deploy.config.json && run deploy scripts
npx ts-node scripts/deploy.ts

# stake quota for contract(by web-wallet)

Getting Started with the Frontend

A frontend created with create-react-app using React, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS has been created under the frontend folder.

Features frontend implements out of the box:

  • Routing with react-router-dom v6
  • Global state management using a higher-order component called connect which connects the passed in component to a single context.
    • Implemented in globalContext.tsx
    • The initial global state is set in App.tsx
    • To mutate the global state, a setState function is passed to all connected components as a prop.
      • Pass an object to it and its properties will be shallow merged with the current global state
        • e.g. setState({ networkType: network })
        • To deep merge, pass a second meta object to setState like:
           setState({ a: { b: 'c' } }, { deepMerge: true });
           // { a: { d: 3 } } => { a: { d: 3, b: 'c' } }
    • Note: all non-page component that are connected go in the containers folder, else they go in the components folder.
    • The State type can be modified in types.ts
  • ViteConnect for signing transactions with the Vite Wallet iOS / Android app
    • Implemented in viteConnect.ts
      • This handles saving the ViteConnect session to a browsers localStorage to persist it after reloading the page
      • To call a contract, a callContract function is passed to all connected components as a prop.
      • Contracts should be stored in the contracts folder.
  • internationalization (i18n)
  • Light, Dark, and System themes
  • Toast alerts
    • Implemented in Toast.tsx
    • To use, call setState({ toast: 'message' }) in a connected component.

This is a fork of dapp-buymeacoffee