## See https://github.com/casey/just ## Install with $ brew install just plugins: cd plugins && ./gradlew check publishToMavenLocal run: plugins cd sample-kotlin && ./gradlew refreshVersions cd sample-groovy && ./gradlew refreshVersions cd sample-multi-modules && ./gradlew refreshVersions cd sample-multi-modules && ./gradlew buildSrcVersions cd sample-android && ./gradlew refreshVersions cleanup: plugins cd sample-kotlin && ./gradlew refreshVersionsCleanup cd sample-groovy && ./gradlew refreshVersionsCleanup cd sample-multi-modules && ./gradlew refreshVersionsCleanup cd sample-android && ./gradlew refreshVersionsCleanup docs: mkdocs serve & ngrok: docs which ngroke || echo "Error: install ngrok with $ brew install ngrok" ngrok http 80 site: open https://jmfayard.github.io/refreshVersions/ github: open https://github.com/jmfayard/refreshVersions/ todos: open https://github.com/jmfayard/refreshVersions/projects/4 issues: open https://github.com/jmfayard/refreshVersions/issues prs: open https://github.com/jmfayard/refreshVersions/pulls urls: site github todos issues prs echo "URLs opened"