const {markdown} = require("danger") const {readFileSync, existsSync} = require("fs") const parseDiff = require("parse-diff") const diffPath = "./TypeScript/baseline-changes.diff" if (existsSync(diffPath)) { const diffContents = readFileSync(diffPath, "utf8") const diffedFiles = parseDiff(diffContents) const uninterestingFiles = [".generated.d.ts", "globalThisBlockscopedProperties.types", "mappedTypeRecursiveInference.types"] const withoutKnownNormalFails = diffedFiles.filter(diff => { return !uninterestingFiles.filter(suffix => && > 0 }) const md = ["## Changed baselines from the TypeScript test suite", "\nThese are the test changes in the TypeScript codebase which showed a difference (excluding a few which will always change), it should give a small sense of what to expect on the TypeScript side if this PR is merged."] withoutKnownNormalFails.forEach(diff => { md.push(`#### [${ || diff.from}](${ || diff.from})`) md.push("```diff") diff.chunks.forEach(chunk => { md.push(chunk.content) chunk.changes.forEach(change => { md.push(change.content) }) }) md.push("```") }) if (md.length > 2) { markdown(md.join("\n")) } }