import {Typed, Type, Union, Any, typeOf, construct} from "./typed" import * as Immutable from 'immutable' const ImmutableList = Immutable.List const {Indexed} = Immutable.Iterable const $store = const $type = Typed.type const $read = const $step = Typed.step const $init = Typed.init const $result = Typed.result const $label = Typed.label const $typeName = Typed.typeName const $empty = Typed.empty const change = (list, f) => { const store = f(list[$store]) if (store === list[$store]) { return list } else { const result = list.__ownerID ? list : construct(list) result[$store] = store result.size = store.size return result } } const clear = target => target.clear() const pop = target => target.pop() const shift = target => target.shift() class TypeInferer extends Type { [Typed.typeName]() { return 'TypeInferer' } [](value) { // typeOf usually creates type for the value with that // value being a default. For type inference we should // actually use a base type instead of type with default // there for we use prototype of the constructor. const type = typeOf(value).constructor.prototype this.type = this.type ? Union(this.type, type) : type return value } } function BaseImmutableList() {} BaseImmutableList.prototype = ImmutableList.prototype class TypeInferedList extends BaseImmutableList { static from(list) { const result = construct(this.prototype) result[$store] = list[$store] result.size = list.size return result } constructor(value) { super(); return TypeInferedList.prototype[$read](value) } [Typed.init]() { const result = construct(this).asMutable() result[$type] = new TypeInferer() return result } [Typed.result](result) { const list = result.asImmutable() list[$type] = result[$type].type return list } [](input) { const Type = this.constructor if (input === null || input === void(0)) { if (!this[$empty]) { const result = construct(this) result[$store] = ImmutableList() result.size = 0 this[$empty] = result } return this[$empty] } if (input instanceof Type && input && input.constructor === Type) { return input } const source = Indexed(input) const isEmpty = source.size === 0 if (isEmpty && this[$empty]) { return this[$empty] } let list = this[$init]() list.size = source.size source.forEach((value, index) => { list.set(index, value) }) list = this[$result](list) if (isEmpty) { this[$empty] = list } return list } [Typed.step](result, [key, value]) { return change(result, (store=ImmutableList()) => store.set(key, value)) } [Typed.typeName]() { return this[$label] || `Typed.List(${this[$type][$typeName]()})` } toString() { return this.__toString(this[$typeName]() + '([', '])') } has(key) { return this[$store].has(key) } get(index, notSetValue) { return this[$store] ? this[$store].get(parseInt(index), notSetValue) : notSetValue } clear() { if (this.__ownerID) { return change(this, clear) } return this[$empty] || this[$read]() } insert(index, value) { if (index > this.size) { throw TypeError(`Index "${index}" is out of bounds.`) } const result = this[$type][$read](value) if (result instanceof TypeError) { throw TypeError(`Invalid value: ${result.message}`) } return change(this, store => store.insert(index, value)) } remove(index) { return change(this, store => store && store.remove(index)) } set(index, value) { if (index > this.size) { throw TypeError(`Index "${index}" is out of bounds.`) } const result = this[$type][$read](value) if (result instanceof TypeError) { throw TypeError(`Invalid value: ${result.message}`) } return this[$step](this, [index, result]) } push(...values) { const type = this[$type] const items = [] const count = values.length let index = 0 while (index < count) { const value = values[index] const result = type[$read](value) if (result instanceof TypeError) { throw TypeError(`Invalid value: ${result.message}`) } items.push(result) index = index + 1 } return change(this, store => store ? store.push(...items) : ImmutableList(...items)) } pop() { return change(this, pop) } unshift(...values) { const type = this[$type] const items = [] const count = values.length let index = 0 while (index < count) { const value = values[index] const result = type[$read](value) if (result instanceof TypeError) { throw TypeError(`Invalid value: ${result.message}`) } items.push(result) index = index + 1 } return change(this, store => store ? store.unshift(...items) : ImmutableList(...items)) } shift() { return change(this, shift) } setSize(size) { if (size > this.size) { throw TypeError(`setSize may only downsize`) } return change(this, store => store.setSize(size)) } slice(begin, end) { return change(this, store => store && store.slice(begin, end)) } wasAltered() { return this[$store].wasAltered() } __ensureOwner(ownerID) { const result = this.__ownerID === ownerID ? this : !ownerID ? this : construct(this) result.__ownerID = ownerID result[$store] = this[$store] ? this[$store].__ensureOwner(ownerID) : ImmutableList().__ensureOwner(ownerID) result.size = result[$store].size return result } __iterator(type, reverse) { return Indexed(this[$store]).map((_, key) => this.get(key)).__iterator(type, reverse) } __iterate(f, reverse) { return Indexed(this[$store]).map((_, key) => this.get(key)).__iterate(f, reverse) } } TypeInferedList.prototype[Typed.DELETE] = TypeInferedList.prototype.remove; const BaseTypeInferedList = function() {} BaseTypeInferedList.prototype = TypeInferedList.prototype class TypedList extends BaseTypeInferedList { constructor() { super() } [Typed.init]() { return construct(this).asMutable() } [Typed.result](result) { return result.asImmutable() } map(mapper, context) { if (this.size === 0) { return this } else { const result = TypeInferedList.from(this).map(mapper, context) if (this[$store] === result[$store]) { return this } if (result[$type] === this[$type]) { const list = construct(this) list[$store] = result[$store] list.size = result.size return list } else { return result } } } flatMap(mapper, context) { if (this.size === 0) { return this } else { const result = TypeInferedList.from(this).flatMap(mapper, context) if (this[$store] === result[$store]) { return this } if (result[$type] === this[$type]) { const list = construct(this) list[$store] = result[$store] list.size = result.size return list } else { return result } } } } export const List = function(descriptor, label) { if (descriptor === void(0)) { throw TypeError("Typed.List must be passed a type descriptor") } if (descriptor === Any) { return Immutable.List } const type = typeOf(descriptor) if (type === Any) { throw TypeError(`Typed.List was passed an invalid type descriptor: ${descriptor}`) } const ListType = function(value) { const isListType = this instanceof ListType const Type = isListType ? this.constructor : ListType if (value instanceof Type) { return value } const result = Type.prototype[$read](value) if (result instanceof TypeError) { throw result } // `` will in fact cause `list.constructor(items)` to be // invoked there for we need to check if `this[$store]` was // assigned to know if it's that or if it's a `new ListType()` call. if (isListType && !this[$store]) { this[$store] = result[$store] this.size = result.size } else { return result } return this } ListType.of = ImmutableList.of ListType.prototype = Object.create(ListPrototype, { constructor: {value: ListType}, [$type]: {value: type}, [$label]: {value: label} }) return ListType } List.Type = TypedList List.prototype = TypedList.prototype const ListPrototype = TypedList.prototype