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RFM96/98 Spectrum Analyser

This code produces a real-time [432-434] or [914-916] MHz spectrum "waterfall" display: The waterfall2 is an enhancement of the waterfall1 project and uses two sx1276-based modules attached to a HyTiny (stm32f1).

Colours are mapped from black (min) => blue => yellow => red => white (max).
The display scrolls smoothly and continuously from right to left.

The frequency step is approx 10kHz, resulting in a width of 240*10=2.4Mhz across the display. Each sweep takes approx 12ms and 4 sweeps are performed per pixel scan line.


Components used for this project:

LCD connections, using the pins on the HyTiny's FPC-12 connector and flat cable:

  • MOSI = PB5
  • MISO = PB4
  • SCLK = PB3
  • NSEL = PB0
  • DC = PB6
  • RST = PB7
  • LED = PA15

RFM96 915Mhz connections, using the standard SPI1 pins:

  • MOSI = PA7
  • MISO = PA6
  • SCLK = PA5
  • NSEL = PA4
  • DIO0 = PA3
  • RST = PA11

RFM98 433Mhz connections, using the standard SPI1 pins:

  • MOSI = PA7
  • MISO = PA6
  • SCLK = PA5
  • NSEL = PA8
  • DIO0 = PA12
  • RST = PA11

Other pins can be assigned by adjusting the source code.

Compiling and uploading

This project is set up for PlatformIO as toolchain:

  • open this project in a supported IDE or do cd examples/waterfall/
  • adjust platformio.ini as needed, in particular the upload port
  • then build and upload, e.g. pio run -t upload from the command line

Found a bug? Please post on GitHub.