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Custom Firmware

This is the directory you may place custom firmware for flashing. The selectable list will be automatically filtered to binaries that match your chosen profile. If you need newer or more custom firmware, you can add them here, abiding by the naming rules below. Custom firmware must be in the format of either Tuya's UG bin file for OTA or the .uf2 file format.

Naming rules

If you place custom files here, they must include either bk7231t or bk7231n in the file name which will allow Tuya-CloudCutter to verify you are flashing a firmware that matches the profile you are using.

Included 3rd party firmware

For convenience, binaries from the two most prevelant options, ESPHome (Kickstart version by LibreTiny) and OpenBeken (OpenBK7231T_App) have been included automatically. All included binaries will flash your device with a firmware that will put the device into AP mode where you must connect and configure the device as appropriate.

ESPHome (Kickstart by LibreTiny)

The AP provided by this firmware will start with kickstart- followed by the chip family name. You can connect with no password and configure your network information. Once connected you can enter the captive portal at IP address where you will be able join the device to your local network. Once joined to your network, you can scan pin functionality and flash a custom updated firmware (with the .uf2 format) with a more customized configuration.

OpenBeken (OpenBK7231T_App)

The AP provided by this firmware will start with OpenBK followed by the chip family name and part of the device's MAC address. Once connected you can enter the captive portal at IP address where you will be able to join the device to your local network. Once joined to your network, you can begin configuring your device and use all tools available to OpenBeken.