run: timeout: 5m go: '1.18' linters: disable-all: true enable: #- containedctx #- contextcheck - deadcode #- depguard - errcheck #- errchkjson #- errname #- gochecknoinits #- gci #- goconst - gocritic #- gocyclo #- godot #- gofumpt #- gosec - gosimple - govet - ineffassign #- lll #- misspell #- nolintlint #- prealloc - staticcheck - stylecheck #- tenv #- thelper #- tparallel - typecheck - unconvert - unparam - unused - varcheck - whitespace linters-settings: depguard: list-type: blacklist packages: - packages-with-error-messages: "do not use directly" errcheck: exclude-functions: - encoding/json.Marshal - encoding/json.MarshalIndent errchkjson: check-error-free-encoding: true gci: sections: - Standard - Default - Prefix( - Prefix( gocritic: disabled-checks: - appendAssign - appendCombine - commentedOutCode - equalFold - exposedSyncMutex - httpNoBody - hugeParam - ifElseChain - importShadow - methodExprCall - nestingReduce - preferStringWriter - rangeValCopy - singleCaseSwitch - stringConcatSimplify - unlabelStmt - unnamedResult - whyNoLint enabled-tags: - diagnostic - experimental - opinionated - performance - style gofumpt: lang-version: "1.18" extra-rules: true lll: line-length: 150 issues: exclude-rules: # ignore errcheck for code under a /test folder - path: "test/*" linters: - errcheck # ignore errcheck for flags.Parse (it is expected that we flag.ExitOnError) # ignore response.WriteError as it always returns the err it was passed - source: "flags.Parse|response.WriteError" linters: - errcheck