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Starred repositories
mrfanii / SwitchyOmega-V3
Forked from FelisCatus/SwitchyOmegaManage and switch between multiple proxies quickly & easily.
A magisk module to enable VoLTE, VoWIFI and 5G on Google Pixel's unsupported countries.
monyhar / monyhar
Forked from chromium/chromium梦弘浏览器 - 完全自主研发,打破国外垄断,比 Chrome 快 600%。
JetBrains / swot
Forked from leereilly/swotIdentify email addresses or domains names that belong to colleges or universities. Help automate the process of approving or rejecting academic discounts.
MetaCubeX / Yacd-meta
Forked from haishanh/yacdYet Another Clash Dashboard
Rust on ESP32 "Hello World" app. A demo binary crate for the ESP32[XX] and ESP-IDF, which connects to WiFi, drives a small HTTP server and draws on a LED screen.
mysql / mysql-docker
Forked from docker-library/mysqlDockerfiles and scripts for MySQL products
tiero / whisperd
Forked from m1guelpf/whisper-cli-rsThe OpenAI Whisper speech-to-text model as a simple HTTP server
A Flask web app and API used to shorten long URLs.
gaxler /
Forked from karpathy/llama2.cInference Llama 2 in one file of pure Rust 🦀
A plugin for remarkjs that converts PlantUML code written in Markdown to SVG with plantuml.jar.
typesense / kakasi
Forked from loretoparisi/kakasiKAKASI - Kanji Kana Simple Inverter (code mirror)
PinkD / wireguard-go
Forked from WireGuard/wireguard-gomodified wireguard-go for
Aegisub / Aegisub
Forked from TypesettingTools/AegisubCross-platform advanced subtitle editor
fyne-io / systray
Forked from getlantern/systraya cross platfrom Go library to place an icon and menu in the notification area
myrrlyn / tap
Forked from darfink/tap-rsGeneric extensions for tapping values in Rust.
AsahiLinux / linux
Forked from torvalds/linuxLinux kernel source tree
An updated free and unlimited API for Google Translate 💵 🚫
fdddf / vue3-aplayer
Forked from SevenOutman/vue-aplayer🍰 Easy-to-use music player for Vue 3
A Rust implementation of the Realworld demo app spec using Axum and SQLx.
smallnest / safemap
Forked from orcaman/concurrent-mapa thread-safe concurrent map for go
nushell / nu-ansi-term
Forked from ogham/rust-ansi-termRust library for ANSI terminal colours and styles (bold, underline) - Nushell project fork
gijsbers / go-pcre
Forked from glenn-brown/golang-pkg-pcrePerl Compatible Regular Expression shim for Go
A Lua script to show preview thumbnails in mpv's OSC seekbar, sans external dependencies (fork)
PlantUML encoder, works in browser & node.js
acarlson99 / goplantuml
Forked from yogendra/plantuml-goGo Based PlantUML Tools
BlackDex / job_scheduler
Forked from lholden/job_schedulerA simple cron-like job scheduling library for Rust.