[![Deploy](https://get.pulumi.com/new/button.svg)](https://app.pulumi.com/new) # Easy container example Companion to the tutorial [Provision containers on AWS](https://pulumi.io/quickstart/aws-containers.html). ## Prerequisites To run this example, make sure [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/) is installed and running. ## Running the App Note: some values in this example will be different from run to run. These values are indicated with `***`. 1. Create a new stack: ``` $ pulumi stack init containers-dev ``` 1. Configure Pulumi to use an AWS region that supports Fargate. This is currently only available in `us-east-1`, `us-east-2`, `us-west-2`, and `eu-west-1`: ``` $ pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2 ``` 1. Restore NPM modules via `npm install` or `yarn install`. 1. Preview and deploy the app via `pulumi up`. The preview will take a few minutes, as it builds a Docker container. A total of 19 resources are created. ``` $ pulumi up ``` 1. View the endpoint URL, and run curl: ```bash $ pulumi stack output Current stack outputs (1) OUTPUT VALUE hostname http://***.elb.us-west-2.amazonaws.com $ curl $(pulumi stack output hostname) Hello, Pulumi!

Hello, S3!

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``` 1. To view the runtime logs from the container, use the `pulumi logs` command. To get a log stream, use `pulumi logs --follow`. ``` $ pulumi logs --follow Collecting logs for stack container-quickstart-dev since 2018-05-22T14:25:46.000-07:00. 2018-05-22T15:33:22.057-07:00[ pulumi-nginx] - - [22/May/2018:22:33:22 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 189 "-" "curl/7.54.0" "-" ``` ## Clean up To clean up resources, run `pulumi destroy` and answer the confirmation question at the prompt.