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CI utilities

This directory contains python source code and helper scripts used by CI/CD tasks.

Note to maintainers: It is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended to also test the code in this directory (meta, I know!). See tests/cicd_utils/ for some examples.

The cicd package

The cicd/ directory is a Python package containing modules used/imported by some CI tasks such as our test suite (tests/) or documentation building entrypoint (docs/

For this reason, the cicd_utils directory needs to be made explicitly discoverable to these tools by appending it to the Python PATH:

  • For pytest, we configure this using the pythonpath option in pytest.ini.
  • For Sphinx, we set PYTHONPATH={env:PYTHONPATH}{:}{toxinidir}/cicd_utils in the relevant environment in tox.ini.

For static analysis tools, we need to help them discover the cicd or be made aware of it:

  • For mypy, we can add it to the files option in mypy.ini to help with import discovery.
  • For ruff/isort, we also added it to the known-first-party list (see ruff.toml)

The cicd/scripts directory

The cicd/scripts directory contains various scripts used by some CI/CD tasks. These scripts should all be marked as executable and contain a shebang line at the top.