using Base.Test module DeprecationTests # to test @deprecate f() = true # test the Symbol path of @deprecate @deprecate f1 f @deprecate f2 f false # test that f2 is not exported # test the Expr path of @deprecate @deprecate f3() f() @deprecate f4() f() false # test that f4 is not exported @deprecate f5(x::T) where T f() # test deprecation of a constructor struct A{T} end @deprecate A{T}(x::S) where {T, S} f() # test that @deprecate_moved can be overridden by an import Base.@deprecate_moved foo1234 "Foo" Base.@deprecate_moved bar "Bar" false end # module module Foo1234 export foo1234 foo1234(x) = x+1 end # issue #21972 struct T21972 @noinline function T21972() Base.depwarn("something", :T21972) new() end end @testset "@deprecate" begin using .DeprecationTests using .Foo1234 @test foo1234(3) == 4 @test_throws ErrorException # 22845 ex = :(module M22845; import ..DeprecationTests: bar; bar(x::Number) = x + 3; end) @test_warn "importing deprecated binding" eval(ex) @test @test_nowarn( == 7 # enable when issue #22043 is fixed # @test @test_warn "f1 is deprecated, use f instead." f1() # @test @test_nowarn f1() # @test_throws UndefVarError f2() # not exported # @test @test_warn "f2 is deprecated, use f instead." DeprecationTests.f2() # @test @test_nowarn DeprecationTests.f2() # @test @test_warn "f3() is deprecated, use f() instead." f3() # @test @test_nowarn f3() # @test_throws UndefVarError f4() # not exported # @test @test_warn "f4() is deprecated, use f() instead." DeprecationTests.f4() # @test @test_nowarn DeprecationTests.f4() # @test @test_warn "f5(x::T) where T is deprecated, use f() instead." f5(1) # @test @test_nowarn f5(1) # @test @test_warn "A{T}(x::S) where {T, S} is deprecated, use f() instead." A{Int}(1.) # @test @test_nowarn A{Int}(1.) # issue #21972 @noinline function f21972() T21972() end @test_warn "deprecated" f21972() @test_nowarn f21972() end