Zebrunner is a Test Automation Management Tool
Aug 16, 2024 - Shell
Test automation or automated testing as compared to manual testing is a way to write test scenarios beforehand that can be repeatedly executed without involving a human element. This is often done by having a set of test data as input that can be compared to certain expectations. In agile software development approaches, this can be even based on user stories and/or acceptance critera.
Zebrunner is a Test Automation Management Tool
A powerful testing framework for ZSH projects
checks ssl certs for a set of domains
Docker image for testing Vim plugins
🧬 Collection of Makefiles and test scripts to facilitate testing Terraform modules, Kubernetes resources, Helm charts, and more
Bash script for continuous integration of Arduino projects
An open-source, redistributable, template-guided, and semi-autonomous CI infrastructure readily available your next project.
✅ Universal testing script for bash
QEMU-KVM Virtual Environment for Running Microsoft HCK Tests
Framework to create Automated Test Environment using kind (Kubernetes in Docker) for testing Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) based applications in CI (Continuous Integration) Pipeline (Azure DevOps)
Highly automated, up-to-date, and well-documented repository template. Checks for common problems, Markdown, YAML, Bash, formats, lints, and tests before committing or pushing so you don't have any surprises at CI or when releasing your code to GitLab and GitHub!
How to get Travis CI to test Nginx code including nginx.conf, vhosts and custom nginx code you have written and need to test using Travis CI's build checker.
A tool for deploying and testing network routers in the cloud.
Self-hosted Azure DevOps Agents on Azure Kubernetes Cluster
Ignore unnecessary build steps if changes are harmless to make builds faster 🏎 💨
A collection of shell scripts to automate fuzzy testing with afl/afl++
Github action can be used to run Robot Framework tests.
Setup a virtualbox VM with ubuntu-18.04-desktop and RobotFramework and some examples preinstalled.