Tools to deploy applications to remote server(iis,windowsService,linuxService,docker) support netframework and dotnetcore,support rollback and increment deploy
httpjob for Hangfire,restful api for Hangfire,job调度与业务分离
特色:vs插件或者t4一键生成entity 支持配置非物理外键。分离linq转sql引擎(原生linq非扩展)和执行dal功能,支持异步,支持netcore2.0
DI容器,依赖注入,AOP,动态代理等用注解来load autofac 摆脱代码或者xml配置和java的spring的注解注入一样的体验
DES、AES、Present、Extended Euclidean Algorithm、Miller-Rabin( 常用密码学算法)推荐书籍《现代密码学趣味之旅》---彭长根
Riz.XFramework is a lightweight and high performance object-relational mapper for .NET use the native Entity Framework api.
An example application for the EZNEW.NET development framework
Provides access to MySQL databases based on the Sixnet development framework
Provides access to SQL Server databases based on the Sixnet development framework