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This website provides a design tool for EWOD chips, allowing users to freely draw electrodes of different shapes and obtain routing results using the cloud-based algorithm.


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About edrop-design-tool

This is a website-based design tool for EWOD chips, users can free to draw electrodes with various shapes and get the routing result via the cloud-based algorithm.



  • Mouse down + Drag + Mouse up: Draw a selection area
  • Ctrl [or Meta] + Click: Select outer-most item, or parent container
  • Ctrl [or Meta] + Shift + Click: Add [outer-most] item to selection
  • Esc: Clear selection


  • Mouse drag & drop: The standard way
  • ArrowKeys: Moves the selected elements 1px
  • Shift + ArrowKeys: Moves the selected elements 10px

Copy / Cut / paste

  • Ctrl [or Meta] + C: Copy selection
  • Ctrl [or Meta] + X: Cut selection
  • Ctrl [or Meta] + V: paste selection


  • Delete [or Backspace]: Deletes selection

Undo / Redo

  • Ctrl [or Meta] + Z / click icon: Undo last action
  • Ctrl [or Meta] + Shift + Z / Click icon: Redo last action


  • Click icon: Start/Stop electrode painting mode (add base electrode in mouse point)


  • Click icon: Combine the selected electrodes


  • Click icon: Download .ewd, .edp, .dwg(routing result)

Run edrop-design-tool locally

Step-by-step setup

1. installation
# install client & server dependencies
npm run install:all

# OR install only client / server
npm run install:client
npm run install:server
2. development
# serve client with hot reload
npm run client

# start server (auto-restarts on changes)
npm run server

Navigate to localhost:8080 to serve client with hot-reload (development server).

For detailed explanation on how things work on the client side, checkout the vuejs-templates/webpack guide and docs for vue-loader.

For development server will only generate vuejs projects (it won't be serving client resources). Auto-restart capabilities possible thanks to nodemon.

The above commands should be run in separate terminal instances.

3. production
# build client for production with minification
npm run build

# start server at localhost:5000
npm run start

Navigate to localhost:5000 to serve (a production-ready) edrop-design-tool.


This website provides a design tool for EWOD chips, allowing users to freely draw electrodes of different shapes and obtain routing results using the cloud-based algorithm.





