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V2 Migration Guide

v2 of the Auth0 Android SDK includes a number of improvements to integrating Auth0 into your Android application, and contains breaking changes. Please review this guide to understand the changes required when migrating to v2.

Requirements changes

v2 requires Android API version 21 or later.

OIDC only

v2 only supports OIDC-Conformant applications. When using this SDK to authenticate users, only the current Auth0 authentication pipeline and endpoints will be used. As a result, the setOIDCConformant(boolean value) method has been removed from the Auth0 class.

You can learn more about the OpenID Connect Protocol here.

Authorization Code with PKCE

Version 2 only supports the Authorization Code with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) flow. Accordingly, the withResponseType(@ResponseType int type) method on WebAuthProvider.Builder has been removed.

Removal of WebView support

The deprecated ability to authenticate using a WebView component has been removed. External browser applications will always be used instead for increased security and user trust. Please refer to this blog post for additional information.

Removal of legacy Authentication API support

Methods and classes specific to calling any Authentication APIs categorized as Legacy have been removed in v2. The detailed listing of the removals are documented below.

Request interfaces changes

The package defines the top-level interfaces for building and executing HTTP requests. Historically, a common issue has been the inability to add custom headers and request parameters to all request types. We've refactored the request interfaces to enable any request to be customized with additional headers and request parameters. Note that these parameters now need to be of type String.

The top-level Request interface now specifies the following methods:

  • public fun addParameters(parameters: Map<String, String>): Request<T, U>
  • public fun addParameter(name: String, value: String): Request<T, U>
  • public fun addHeader(name: String, value: String): Request<T, U>

As a result, the following interfaces have been removed:

  • ParameterizableRequest
  • AuthRequest

AuthenticationAPIClient contains many changes to the return type of methods as a result. The full changes can be found below, but in summary:

  • Any methods that returned a ParameterizableRequest, TokenRequest, or DatabaseConnectionRequest, now return a Request.
  • Any method that returned a AuthRequest now returns an AuthenticationRequest.

If you are using the return type of any of these methods directly, you will need to change your code to expect the type as documented above. If you are chaining a call to start or execute to make the request, no changes are required.

The AuthenticationRequest interface no longer has a setAccessToken("{ACCESS-TOKEN}") method. This method was for setting the token to the request made to the /oauth/access_token Authentication API legacy endpoint, disabled as of June 2017. If you need to send a parameter with this name, please use addParameter("access_token", "{ACCESS-TOKEN}").

Additionally, any classes that implemented ParameterizableRequest or AuthRequest have been updated to accommodate these changes, and are called out in the detailed changes listed below.

Networking client customization

v2 provides an improved ability to customize the way this library makes HTTP requests. A new interface, NetworkingClient, defines the contract for executing HTTP requests. The Auth0 class can be configured with an instance of NetworkingClient, making it possible to provide your own implementation for complete control over the networking client. Additionally, the default networking client provided by this library supports several simple customization points to enable easy configuration of common customization points.

Timeout configuration

// Before
val account = Auth0("{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}", "{YOUR_DOMAIN}")
account.connectTimeoutInSeconds = 30
account.readTimeoutInSeconds = 30

val authAPI = AuthenticationAPIClient(account)

// After
val netClient = DefaultClient(
    connectTimeout = 30,
    readTimeout = 30
val account = Auth0("{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}", "{YOUR_DOMAIN}")
account.networkingClient = netClient

Logging configuration

// Before
val account = Auth0("{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}", "{YOUR_DOMAIN}")
account.isLoggingEnabled = true

val authAPI = AuthenticationAPIClent(account)

// After
val netClient = DefaultClient(
    enableLogging = true

val account = Auth0("{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}", "{YOUR_DOMAIN}")
account.networkingClient = netClient

Detailed change listing

Files that changed their package

  • The class was moved to
  • The class was moved to

Internal package

The previous version of this library used to expose a few classes in the package. These were never meant to be part of the library's Public API, and the direct usage of them was discouraged on the Javadocs. Since the codebase had migrated to Kotlin, we now take advantage of the internal modifier and use it were necessary. These classes might appear as public classes for Java projects but should still not be used, as they are still not part of this library's Public API.

We will not provide support and will change these as required without any previous notice.

Classes and Interfaces removed

  • The class has been removed. Use android.util.Base64 instead.
  • The interface has been removed. The ability to add request headers and parameters has been moved to the interface.
  • The interface has been removed. The interface can be used instead.
  • The class has been removed. External browser applications will always be used for authentication.
  • The class has been removed. This was used as the result of the request to the /delegation Authentication API legacy endpoint, disabled as of June 2017.
  • The class has been removed. This was used to represent the request to the legacy Authentication API /delegation endpoint, disabled as of June 2017.
  • The class has been renamed to
  • The class has been removed. You can achieve the same result using addHeader("Authorization", "Bearer {TOKEN_VALUE}").
  • The class has been removed. The ability to set a Code Verifier, and any request headers and parameters has been moved to the interface.
  • The class has been removed. The ability to set any request headers and parameters has been moved to the interface.
  • The class has been removed. The ability to use a callback that doesn't take an argument can be replaced with Callback<Void, AuthenticationException>.
  • The interface has been removed.
  • The class has been removed.
  • The class has been removed.

Constants removed

  • ParameterBuilder.GRANT_TYPE_JWT has been removed.
  • ParameterBuilder.ID_TOKEN_KEY has been removed.
  • ParameterBuilder.DEVICE_KEY has been removed.
  • ParameterBuilder.ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY has been removed.
  • ResponseType.CODE, ResponseType.ID_TOKEN, and ResponseType.ACCESS_TOKEN have been removed.

Classes and Interfaces changed

  • SignupRequest now implements AuthenticationRequest instead of the now-removed AuthRequest
  • AuthorizableRequest now extends Request instead of the now-removed ParameterizableRequest
  • BaseCallback has been deprecated; use Callback instead.

Constructors changed

  • AuthenticationAPIClient can no longer be constructed from a Context. Use AuthenticationAPIClient(auth0: Auth0) instead. You can create an instance of Auth0 using a Context.
  • UsersAPIClient can no longer be constructed from a Context. Use UsersAPIClient(auth0: Auth0, token: String) instead. You can create an instance of Auth0 using a Context.
  • SignupRequest now requires the second parameter to be an AuthenticationRequest.
  • ProfileRequest now requires an AuthenticationRequest and a Request<UserProfile, AuthenticationException>.
  • Credentials can no longer be constructed with an "expires in" value. The date of expiration or "expires at" should be given instead. You typically won't be constructing Credentials on your own.

Methods removed or changed

Auth0 methods removed

  • setOIDCConformant(boolean enabled) and isOIDCConformant() have been removed. The SDK now only supports OIDC-Conformant applications.
  • doNotSendTelemetry() has been removed. There is no replacement.
  • setWriteTimeoutInSeconds(seconds) and getWriteTimeoutInSeconds(seconds) have been removed. There is no replacement.
  • setReadTimeoutInSeconds(seconds) and getReadTimeoutInSeconds(seconds) have been removed. You can customize the read timeout directly on the DefaultClient class. Use DefaultClient(readTimeout = 123).
  • setConnectTimeoutInSeconds(seconds) and getConnectTimeoutInSeconds(seconds) have been removed. You can customize the connect timeout directly on the DefaultClient class. Use DefaultClient(connectTimeout = 123).
  • setLoggingEnabled(boolean enabled) and isLoggingEnabled() have been removed. You can enable the network traffic logger directly on the DefaultClient class. Use DefaultClient(enableLogging = true). Use it for debugging purposes and never enable it on production environments.
  • setTLS12Enforced() and isTLS12Enforced() have been removed. The SDK now supports modern TLS by default.

AuthenticationAPIClient methods removed or changed

  • setUserAgent(String) has been removed. You can set headers to be sent directly on each Request instance using the addHeader("{NAME}", "{VALUE}") method or globally to the networking client instance via DefaultClient(defaultHeaders = mapOf()) constructor parameter.

Methods and classes specific to calling any Authentication APIs categorized as Legacy have been removed in v2. The following methods have been removed:

  • delegation(), delegationWithIdToken("{ID-TOKEN}"), delegationWithRefreshToken("{REFRESH-TOKEN}"), and delegationWithIdToken("{ID-TOKEN}", "{API-TYPE}}"). Support for Legacy Authentication API endpoints have been removed.
  • loginWithOAuthAccessToken("{TOKEN}", {CONNECTION}). For selected social providers, you can use loginWithNativeSocialToken("{TOKEN}", "{TOKEN-TYPE}") instead.
  • tokenInfo("{ID-TOKEN}"). Use userInfo("{ACCESS-TOKEN}") instead.

Methods that returned a ParameterizableRequest now return a Request:

  • userInfo("{ACCESS-TOKEN}")
  • revokeToken("{REFRESH-TOKEN}")
  • renewAuth("{REFRESH-TOKEN}")
  • passwordlessWithEmail("{EMAIL}", PasswordlessType, "{CONNECTION}")
  • passwordlessWithSMS("{PHONE-NUNBER}", PasswordlessType, "{CONNECTION}")
  • fetchJsonWebKeys()

Methods that returned an AuthRequest now return an AuthenticationRequest:

  • login("{USERNAME-OR-EMAIL}", "{PASSWORD}")
  • loginWithOTP("{MFA-TOKEN}", "{OTP}")
  • loginWithNativeSocialToken("{TOKEN}", "{TOKEN-TYPE}")

Methods that returned a DatabaseConnectionRequest now return a Request:

  • createUser("{EMAIL}", "{PASSWORD}", "{USERNAME}", "{CONNECTION}")
  • resetPassword("{EMAIL}","{CONNECTION}")

Methods that returned a TokenRequest now return a Request:


AuthenticationRequest methods removed

  • addAuthenticationParameters(parameters) has been removed. Use addParameters(parameters) instead.
  • setDevice("{DEVICE}"). Use addParameter("device", "{VALUE}") instead.

WebAuthProvider.Builder methods removed

  • useCodeGrant(boolean useCodeGrant). There is no replacement; only Code + PKCE flow supported in v2.
  • useBrowser(boolean useBrowser). There is no replacement; this library no longer supports WebView authentication.
  • useFullscreen(boolean useFullscreen). There is no replacement; this library no longer supports WebView authentication.
  • withResponseType(@ResponseType int type). There is no replacement; only Code + PKCE flow supported in v2.
  • start(activity: Activity, callback: AuthCallback, requestCode: Int) has been removed. Use start(activity: Activity, callback: Callback<Credentials, AuthenticationException>) instead.

WebAuthProvider.LogoutBuilder methods removed

  • start(context: Context, callback: VoidCallback). Use start(context: Context, callback: Callback<Void, AuthenticationException>) instead.

WebAuthProvider methods removed

  • init(account: Auth0) has been removed. Use login(account: Auth0) instead.
  • init(context: Context) has been removed. Use login(account: Auth0) instead.
  • resume(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, intent: Intent) has been removed. Use resume(intent: Intent) instead.
  • init(account: Auth0) has been removed. Use login(account: Auth0) instead.

ParameterBuilder methods removed

  • setDevice("{DEVICE}") has been removed. Use set("device", "{VALUE}") instead.

UsersAPIClient methods changed

  • setUserAgent(String) has been removed. You can set headers to be sent directly on each Request instance using the addHeader("{NAME}", "{VALUE}") method or globally to the networking client instance via DefaultClient(defaultHeaders = mapOf()) constructor parameter.

Methods that returned a ParameterizableRequest now return a Request:

  • updateMetadata("{USER-ID}", userMetadata)
  • getProfile("{USER-ID}")

RequestFactory methods removed or changed

The RequestFactory class contains methods to facilitate making HTTP requests, including the serialization and deserialization of the JSON request body and response. As part of the package, it is not intended for public use, but as a public type the summary of changes are documented below.

  • All request methods have been refactored to be decoupled from a specific HTTP request library (e.g., OkHttp)
  • All request methods now return a Request.
  • All request methods are now lower-cased (e.g., POST() -> post()).
  • The authenticationPOST method was removed without a replacement, as all Request instances can be parameterized with any headers as needed.

ProfileRequest methods changed

  • The addParameters method now requires the value to be Map of String to String, instead of String to Object (addParameters(mapOf("key" to "val")))

SignUpRequest methods changed

Methods that set parameters now requires the value to be a Map of String to String, instead of String to Object:

  • addAuthenticationParameters(mapOf("key" to "val"))
  • addSignupParameters(mapOf("key" to "val"))
  • addParameters(mapOf("key" to "val"))

Additionally, setDevice("device") was removed. Use addParameter("device", "{VALUE}") instead.