Demonstrations of bpflist. bpflist displays information on running BPF programs and optionally also prints open kprobes and uprobes. It is used to understand which BPF programs are currently running on the system. For example: # bpflist PID COMM TYPE COUNT 4058 fileslower prog 4 4058 fileslower map 2 4106 bashreadline map 1 4106 bashreadline prog 1 From the output above, the fileslower and bashreadline tools are running. fileslower has installed 4 BPF programs (functions) and has opened 2 BPF maps (such as hashes, histograms, stack trace tables, and so on). In verbose mode, bpflist also counts the number of kprobes and uprobes opened by the process. This information is obtained heuristically: bcc-based tools include the process id in the name of the probe. For example: # bpflist -v PID COMM TYPE COUNT 4058 fileslower prog 4 4058 fileslower kprobe 4 4058 fileslower map 2 4106 bashreadline uprobe 1 4106 bashreadline prog 1 4106 bashreadline map 1 In double-verbose mode, the probe definitions are also displayed: # bpflist -vv open kprobes: p:kprobes/p___vfs_read_bcc_4058 __vfs_read r:kprobes/r___vfs_read_bcc_4058 __vfs_read p:kprobes/p___vfs_write_bcc_4058 __vfs_write r:kprobes/r___vfs_write_bcc_4058 __vfs_write open uprobes: r:uprobes/r__bin_bash_0xa4dd0_bcc_4106 /bin/bash:0x00000000000a4dd0 PID COMM TYPE COUNT 4058 fileslower prog 4 4058 fileslower kprobe 4 4058 fileslower map 2 4106 bashreadline uprobe 1 4106 bashreadline prog 1 4106 bashreadline map 1 USAGE: # bpflist -h usage: [-h] [-v] Display processes currently using BPF programs and maps optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbosity count and display kprobes/uprobes as well examples: bpflist # display all processes currently using BPF bpflist -v # also count kprobes/uprobes bpflist -vv # display kprobes/uprobes and count them