# Maintainers of this repository with their focus areas: * Jimmy Chou @choujimmy: Cluster resource management, addon framework, and docker registry. * Wallace Qian @QianChenglong: Cluster and node lifecycle management, and installer. * Yacent Lin @Yacent: Console UI of cluster resource management. * Kay Chen @KayIter: Console UI of project resource management. * Simon Zhu @Tim-Ju: Installer UI. * Fly Ma @defydahui: Project and quota management. * Colin Tao @lin-credible: Console UI of docker registry. * Jun Gong @hex108: Tapp controller addon. * Yadong Zhang @yadzhang: Authentication and authorization. * Thomas Song @mYmNeo: GPU manage addon. * Erick Wu @erikwoo: Console UI of monitor and notify management. * Kevin Feng @kevinfeng: Monitor and alert management. * Forrest Chen @ChenLingPeng: Galaxy addon. * Louis Gong @gongguan: Cluster network management. * Rami Chen @chenchun: Galaxy addon. * Ian Lang @langyenan: Loadbalancer controller framework and addon. * Perfey He @perfey-he: Product manager. * Lewis @interstallers: Product manager.