If a project uses tixl-types, you have to initialize it accordingly (see https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules).
In the project working directory run
git submodule init
git submodule update
There are several keys used with the Tixl DAG to encrypt block data:
Private AES key to encrypt block data
Public and private Signature keys to sign blocks
Public and private NTRU keys to encrypt certain block fields
Usage of the private AES key
Encrypt keys on the opening block for the accountchain
Encrypt keys on the opening block for other stealthchains
Encrypt block fields for the sender
Usage of the signature keys
The private key is used to sign blocks on the blockchain it belongs to (accountchains and stealthchains)
One keypair belongs to one blockchain
The public key is send along a transaction
The public key is used to query for a blockchain (therefor it is the blockchain address)
Usage of the NTRU keys
One keypair is used per wallet for all the related blockchains
Encrypt send block fields for the receiver
The TXL address is the public signature key of the accountchain. It is encoded in base58. Let's see an example address:
A wallet might lookup the corresponding NTRU public key to send funds to this address.