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Releases: timmo001/home-panel


06 Oct 20:35
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There are two new cards in this release. You can now show news feeds from News API and RSS feeds from your favorite sources.



Charts have been reworked to use recharts. This replaces apex charts which became quite troublesome and slowed the UI.


You can also now backup and restore your config. This is great for migrating configs between servers or for versioning your changes.




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05 Oct 14:52
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This release adds a bunch of new features, fixes and updates.


  • 🎨 Theme Rework - See note
  • 🎨 Color wheel for config
  • 🎨 Add config for fonts and icons
  • 🏠 Support for input number and groups
  • ✨ Add chart labels on hover

Important Note - Theme

Themes have been rewritten. The old multiple theme setup is now replaced with a single theme. This speeds up the process as well with flattening the tree of the config. The old way was sluggish and occasionally caused issues which is why this decision was made.

Luckily it's super simple to setup your old theme with the config UI which has had a revamp in the process.



  • 4763d78 ⬆️ Update dependency @types/react to v16.9.4 (#541)
  • a407326 ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.229.0 (#540)
  • 30c7ad2 ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.230.2 (#543)
  • b86b97d ⬆️ Update dependency react-router-dom to v5.1.2
  • 1f71cb0 ⬆️ Update dependency react-router-dom to v5.1.2 (#544)
  • 9edc7de ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.230.3
  • cf68fff ⬆️ Update Node.js to v12.11.1 (#549)
  • 839480f ⬆️ Update dependency @types/react-select to v3.0.5 (#550)
  • 026c127 ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.230.4 (#555)
  • b46e74d ⬆️ Update dependency flow-bin to v0.109.0 (#556)
  • c42aedf ⬆️ Update dependency @material-ui/core to v4.5.0 (#552)
  • 195cee8 🔨 Allow background toggleable entities
  • 7308e01 🔨 Scale image to fit screen (#557)
  • cff59b8 ⬆️ Update dependency react-scripts to v3.2.0 (#569)
  • c5e6b2d ⬆️ Updates (#572)
  • 952e689 ⬆️ Update dependency @types/node to v12.7.11 (#573)
  • 6705dbf ⬆️ Update dependency @types/react to v16.9.5 (#576)
  • 938d4ad ⬆️ Update dependency react-moment to v0.9.3 (#578)
  • 347be70 ⬆️ Update react monorepo to v16.10.2 (#575)
  • 9368997 ⬆️ Update dependency react-moment to v0.9.4 (#580)
  • fa8e152 ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.230.8 (#579)
  • d5dc577 🔥 Fix for 1 vulnerabilities (#581)
  • 68703f6 🔨 Tweak grids
  • 29caaee Theme Rework (#584)
  • ce492d3 🔨 Make color popup adornment into separate component
  • 1ea2cd4 ✨ Add color wheel to background
  • 640c082 ✨ Add text color to theme
  • a4d6774 ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.231.0 (#582)
  • bc28b95 ✨ Add chart labels on hover (#586)
  • 59b2720 ⬆️ Update dependency react-moment to v0.9.5 (#585)
  • 44263ce ✨ Add config for fonts and icons (#587)
  • ecff578 ✨ support for input number, groups and fix user select on climate (#594)

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29 Sep 16:49
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A few layout fixes in this one. Long press fixed for touch devices, as well as rework on sizing with smaller devices. 📱


  • 1d15ff8 ⬆️ Update react monorepo to v16.10.1 (#534)
  • ab94677 ⬆️ Update dependency feathers-nedb to v5.0.2 (#536)
  • 653b990 ⬆️ Update dependency nodemon to v1.19.3 (#537)
  • a060ca1 🔨 Make card title and state text not selectable
  • 1a972f6 🔥 Rework grids to fix smaller screens
  • 9bdb8ba 🔨 Add userSelect to climate text
  • f86c9a0 🔨 Cleanup
  • eedc9c7 🚑 Fix long press for touch devices
  • b714108 🚑 Fix group scrolling from rework
  • 695f103 🔨 Fix position and backdrop of expanded card
  • 55c0f8d 🔨 Improve edit card experience with smaller devices

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28 Sep 14:01
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This release adds support for input_select entities as well as a few tweaks and fixes. There is also a new color wheel for light entities.

You can now also expand cards to show all features by long pressing the card.



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22 Sep 16:16
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This release adds support for charts 📈 as well as a few layout tweaks and fixes. Plus a bunch of updates ⬆️ and vscode tasks and devcontainer support. 🚀



  • 5b349f1 ⬆️ Update dependency @feathersjs/configuration to v4.3.2 (#489)
  • 70fc017 🔨 Cleanup logs
  • 9cea390 🔨 Add support for markdown height and standardise height
  • eef6297 🚑 Fix iFrame height
  • 86ac06e 🔨 Reset card props when changing type
  • ab3fd19 ⬆️ Update feathersjs to 4.3.2
  • 5dc5649 ⬆️ Upgrade curl
  • cee0ff5 ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.228.2
  • e6e8aaa ⬆️ Update dependency @types/jsonwebtoken to v8.3.4
  • a26a0cc ⬆️ Update dependency ts-node-dev to v1.0.0-pre.43
  • 05c798a ⬆️ Update dependency react-scripts to v3.1.2
  • 223e336 🔨 Make camera entity use Image component
  • 08dd5d8 ⬆️ Update dependency flow-bin to v0.108.0 (#505)
  • 3803098 ⬆️ Update dependency to v2.3.0
  • 2398545 ⬆️ Update dependency helmet to v3.21.1
  • a247b72 ⬆️ Update dependency react-select to v3.0.5
  • 15e5327 ✨ Charts (#510)
  • 3905525 ⬆️ Update feathersjs
  • 71f2e9b 🔥 Rework entity selection and move items
  • f44adaa ✨ Setup tasks and devcontainer
  • bfa7cea 🔨 Add start all task
  • 26c5b6b 🔨 Add docker to devcontainer
  • c68cc8b 🔨 Add markdownlint to devcontainer
  • b7be74e 🔨 Pass ssh keys to dev container
  • 75b0392 🔨 Fix zsh path
  • e583d83 🔨 Cleanup
  • 1131325 🔥 Fix chart updating
  • e1bbb5b 🔨 tweak chart position
  • edaa242 🔨 Update chart on prop change
  • a415cd3 🔨 Leave chart props the same when switching between
  • 548e056 ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.228.3 (#517)

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16 Sep 19:07
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Fixes issue in configuration section with changes reverting/not being able to be changed as well as improving performance and some layout tweaks/fixes.


  • 75edae4 ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.227.0
  • 50eef25 🔨 Layout and header tweaks
  • 73e6b8b 🔨 Update local config before server
  • 0aab578 ⬆️ Update dependency @feathersjs/authentication-local to v4.3.2
  • 55a5cf8 🚑 Fix configuration section (#488)
  • ff70011 ⬆️ Update dependency @feathersjs/authentication-oauth to v4.3.2 (#487)
  • 57bb947 ⬆️ Update dependency @feathersjs/authentication-client to v4.3.2 (#485)
  • df589fa ⬆️ Update dependency @feathersjs/authentication to v4.3.2 (#484)
  • 6559271 ⬆️ Update dependency @feathersjs/configuration to v4.3.2 (#489)

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14 Sep 22:37
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Fixes persistence in database and secrets

Thanks to @sinclairpaul for helping with this!


  • 1cdba17 🚑 Force database to use /data
  • f7bb669 🔨 Persist secret and database

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14 Sep 18:49
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Please read before upgrading!!

Let's start with a TLDR: The whole app has been rewritten. You will lose all your data.

Why? Well.. Let's just say I've been busy. Just under 200 commits. (That's not even counting the rewrite of the app and the API)


Behind the Scenes :shipit:

I started with looking at how the home-assistant-polymer project works.They have been making a huge effort to convert all their code to Typescript. Using Typescript (along with tslint) instead of just sticking to JavaScript helps with making sure the code is much more tight, modern and stable. I started by rewriting the app itself, experimenting with a bunch of different designs and frameworks. Sticking to using Material UI as the base for theming and components, I quickly realised the old way of storing cards, groups etc. in a very deep tree in JSON was a bad idea. So I decided to start from scratch.

App 🎨

I started with adding in the core framework, which ended up changing multiple times as I decided what I liked. There were a few attempts at using a different grid system, but none suited the app's needs. So I decided to stick to the old way and to keep that the same(ish).

There are new and old types of cards in the new frontend. Home Assistant entities, iframes, images and markdown. More to come. (Feel free to suggest new ones)


You should now log into Home Assistant via the button in the sidebar which has also been reworked. (No more getting stuck in a loop when you type the wrong url 🎉)


The configuration of the app has been split into different screens. You can still edit pages, groups and cards directly from the front page but everything else such as theming, date formatting and other customisations have been moved to their own section of the app which can be accessed via the sidebar.



The backend was going to stay the same for now. However the amazing people at feathersjs released a new major version which also supports Typescript. So I decided to rewrite that too. However, this time was a lot easier. The folks at feathersjs have a CLI which allows you to generate an API in a matter of seconds. It even handles authentication, databases and any other setup for you. So there was very little needed to change in actual code in this one.

For add-on users 🏡

There was a lot that had to change in this app to support ingress. The way that the app originally worked was to use routing (the url decides what section you want) but this causes issues with ingress. So I moved the setup of the app to use single page and a single url, but instead use states. was also a bit of a pain to get working, since it defaults to the root of the url you are on.

Final Rambles

There will be a couple of bugs to find and fix, but I'm now at the point that I'm happy to release the app. Be aware that this app is currently a one man operation (contributors welcome!) and any changes will take time. I work on a few different oss projects in my spare time but this has been my pet project for a while now. All being said, I hope you are happy with this release and as always feel free to post your thoughts on the forum.

Please post any bugs or feature requests to this repository as always:


  • c9dc58b ⬆️ Update dependency feathers-swagger to v1.1.0 (#307)
  • 81382a2 ⬆️ Update dependency react-router-dom to v5.0.1 (#309)
  • 54f2221 ⬆️ Update Node.js to v10.16.0 (#306)
  • bf9a388 ⬆️ Update dependency superagent to v5.0.6 (#311)
  • 5feb90f ⬆️ Bump js-yaml from 3.13.0 to 3.13.1 in /api (#310)
  • cf8296e ⬆️ Update dependency nodemon to v1.19.1 (#301)
  • a11b491 ⬆️ Update mui monorepo (#304)
  • 4774342 ⬆️ Update dependency react-select to v3 (#303)
  • 82d1661 ⬆️ Update mui monorepo to v4.1.0 (#313)
  • c387b54 🔥 ✨ Complete rewrite (#308)
  • d63be21 ⬆️ Update Node.js to v12.6.0 (#325)
  • 724a9fc ⬆️ Update dependency @types/classnames to v2.2.9 (#326)
  • ac5236b ⬆️ Update dependency feathers-nedb to v5 (#324)
  • 4677b5d fix: .snyk & package.json to reduce vulnerabilities (#327)
  • ce43308 📌 Pin dependency snyk to 1.192.3 (#328)
  • 0c3f1b8 [Snyk] Fix for 1 vulnerable dependencies (#330)
  • a0d15f2 ⬆️ Update mui monorepo (#322)
  • d14c6dd ⬆️ Update dependency @types/markdown-it to v0.0.8 (#329)
  • 8312e46 ⬆️ Update dependency @mdi/font to v3.7.95 (#320)
  • 0bfeb66 ⬆️ Update dependency superagent to v5.1.0 (#315)
  • 4475dd6 🔨 Remove stage for yarn install
  • e5e4d33 🚑 Add missing typescript dependency
  • 4b2a5a1 🔨 Add missing react-html-parset
  • 6343378 🔨 Add missing prop-types
  • 6fde443 ⬆️ Update dependency @types/react to v16.8.23 (#332)
  • 0eaab28 🔨 Move TODO to issue
  • ea00dc3 🔨 Remove unused packages
  • 26aec97 🔨 Remove broken types
  • 3a0c11f 🔨 Set default card
  • 9b6925b 🔨 Fix entity select
  • a20b109 🔨 Fix edit view
  • 1d3b496 🔨 Remove entites from header
  • 878e75b 🔨 Fix grid size
  • ea9fe70 ✨ Autohide toolbar option
  • 79add11 Edit groups (#334)
  • 76e2b45 ⬆️ Upgrade dockerfile and add tslint
  • f0338e4 🔨 Cleanup
  • 075ba57 🔨 Add ko-fi link
  • 225b026 🔨 Remove github sponsor link
  • a82fc88 Merge branch 'master' of
  • 13878b9 🔨 Update topics
  • 71b3ab4 ⬆️ Update dependency @types/node to v12.6.0 (#336)
  • d9345ee ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.192.4 (#335)
  • 5128c1a 🚑 Fix group delete issue
  • 2dc3c97 ⬆️ Update dependency @types/node to v12.6.2 (#337)
  • 54ce963 ⬆️ Update dependency typescript to v3.5.3 (#339)
  • a397650 ⬆️ Update dependency markdown-it to v9 (#340)
  • b0d7bca ✨ Pages support (#338)
  • 08c02dc ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.192.5 (#341)
  • c290ad7 🔨 Cleanup
  • 564915e 🔥 Remove edge repo
  • 85a4818 ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.192.6 (#342)
  • d694c33 ⬆️ Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.14 in /api (#343)
  • c3f6b9d ⬆️ Bump lodash.merge from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 in /api (#344)
  • e6e75ca ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.193.0 (#346)
  • e3ff168 ⬆️ Bump lodash.template from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0 (#345)
  • 470d2ab ⬆️ Update dependency markdown-it to v9.0.1 (#348)
  • cabcaaa ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.193.1 (#347)
  • 34ca5c5 🔨 Enable automerge for minor and patch dependency updates
  • b93b2c3 🔨 Cleanup
  • c6b8f68 ✨ Remote support and fix toggle icons
  • ca0551c 🔨 Cleanup
  • 98b120a ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v2 (#363)
  • 217d19a ⬆️ Update dependency home-assistant-js-websocket to v4.3.1 (#362)
  • d298f1d ⬆️ Update dependency @types/react-dom to v16.8.5 (#361)
  • 43222bf ⬆️ Update Node.js to v12.7.0 (#352)
  • da1dedb ⬆️ Roll back dependency snyk to 1.199.2 (#364)
  • 12670aa ⬆️ Update dependency eslint to v6.1.0 (#360)
  • 3e827ae ⬆️ Update dependency helmet to v3.20.0 (#355)
  • efa98a0 ⬆️ Update dependency @material-ui/core to v4.2.1 (#354)
  • 71dac4f ⬆️ Update dependency feathers-nedb to v5.0.1 (#353)
  • 1080e56 ⬆️ Update dependency @mdi/font to v3.8.95 (#350)
  • 5bf8c2b ⬆️ Update dependency typeface-roboto to v0.0.75 (#356)
  • 2b2fedc ⬆️ Update dependency @types/react-html-parser to v2.0.1 (#357)
  • 0cd90e0 ⬆️ Update dependency flow-bin to v0.103.0 (#358)
  • 2a43967 ⬆️ Update dependency mocha to v6.2.0 (#359)
  • 2b5fa21 ⬆️ Update dependency flow-bin to v0.104.0 (#365)
  • fa34dfd ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.200.1 (#367)
  • 6c0f018 ⬆️ Update dependency query-string to v6.8.2 (#366)
  • 997ba12 ✨ One port (#368)
  • bf8bf0d ⬆️ Update dependency @material-ui/core to v4.3.0 (#369)
  • 75f6a8b ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.207.2 (#370)
  • 9ec19ff ⬆️ Update dependency @types/react to v16.8.24 (#372)
  • bdd7ec5 ⬆️ Update dependency @types/jest to v24.0.16 (#371)
  • 6df32ac 🚑 Fix typo
  • a9347be 🔨 Handle hass unavaliblity on cards
  • 2b45649 🔨 Fix not found
  • c5f38a2 🔨 Cleanup
  • b84ed6d 🔨 Fix overflow
  • 5375fff ⬆️ Update dependency @material-ui/core to v4.3.1 (#377)
  • d3bd58d ⬆️ Update dependency @types/node to v12.6.9 (#376)
  • 0d804bf ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.208.0 (#375)
  • d928ce5 ⬆️ Update Node.js to v12.8.0 (#383)
  • ad526f3 ⬆️ Update dependency @types/jest to v24.0.17 (#380)
  • b8ed955 ⬆️ Update dependency @types/react-select to v3.0.2 (#379)
  • a78b5cf ⬆️ Update dependency snyk to v1.216.0 (#378)
  • ecdacba ⬆️ Update dependency @m...
Read more


10 May 18:36
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This will be the final release using the current UI. There is something new in the works :squirrel:

This was originally v0.10.0, but I decided to make it v1.0.0 and re-publish


  • a7872bb ⬆️ Update dependency superagent to v5.0.4 (#287)
  • 93ef5c6 ⬆️ Update dependency react-color to v2.17.3 (#290)
  • cce7cb8 ⬆️ Update dependency superagent to v5.0.5 (#289)
  • 15fe64b ✨ Add automation support
  • 6abcc62 ✨ Add support for hass cameras as an iFrame
  • c557723 🔨 Add option to make cameras live and change hass camera to camera
  • 5efed67 ⬆️ Update dependency nodemon to v1.19.0 (#291)
  • db00625 ⬆️ Update dependency helmet to v3.17.0 (#292)
  • 2be40fa 📚 Update docs
  • 038bf7a 👕 Fix linting
  • 54e39a3 ⬆️ Update dependency home-assistant-js-websocket to v4.1.0 (#294)
  • eadeda2 ⬆️ Update dependency helmet to v3.18.0 (#293)
  • 63f47d5 ⬆️ Update dependency home-assistant-js-websocket to v4.1.1 (#295)
  • 36b2f0e ⬆️ Update nginx to 1.14.2-r1
  • f315ad1 📌 Pin nginx >1.14.2-r0
  • f7548cd 👕 Fix hadolint
  • ff44ddd ⬆️ Update dependency home-assistant-js-websocket to v4.1.2 (#297)
  • 95a4cdd ⬆️ Update dependency react-scripts to v3.0.1 (#296)
  • fa68c8d 📚 Remove legacy images

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27 Apr 23:36
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  • cc12800 ⬆️ Update dependency feathers-swagger to v0.7.3 (#273)
  • d9bed0f ⬆️ Update dependency mocha to v6.1.4 (#277)
  • a8124b3 ⬆️ Update dependency react-select to v2.4.3 (#276)
  • e1785fb ⬆️ Update dependency react-scripts to v3 (#280)
  • cdf15c3 ⬆️ Update dependency is-plain-obj to v2 (#278)
  • a646b2a ⬆️ Update dependency react-color to v2.17.1 (#279)
  • 982cf54 ⬆️ Update dependency home-assistant-js-websocket to v4 (#281)
  • ed12cde ⬆️ Update dependency superagent to v5.0.3 (#284)
  • ae7a338 ⬆️ Update dependency react-color to v2.17.2 (#285)
  • b89c2cb 🔥 Remove link to demo
  • cc45325 🔥 Remove gh actions
  • 0eeca08 🔥 Sunset radio player
  • 2dc24c7 ✏️ Fix typo
  • 2bf9253 📚 Remove screenshot
  • 0d82e4b 🔨 Cleanup
  • aa2e9aa 🚑 Restore public folder

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