
JD-style mobile UI components based on Vue2 & Vue3 that support users to develop H5 and mini-programs.

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--- > Nut[nʌt]: the one Squirrel Scrat pursues resolutely for a lifetime and will never let go even if it causes a catastrophe from the animated film ***Ice Age***. [简体中文](./README.md) | English ## Features * 🚀 70+ High Quality Components * 💪 Write Once, Multi-End Use * 📖 Based on JD APP 10.0 Visual Specifications * 🍭 Support Tree Shaking * 📖 Extensive Documentation and Demos * 💪 Written in TypeScript * 💪 Support SSR (Experimental) * 🍭 Support Custom Themes with 700+ Style Variables * 🌍 Support i18n * 🍭 80%+ Unit Test Coverage * 📖 Provide Sketch Design Resources ## Document Site: [nutui.jd.com](https://nutui.jd.com) [@nutui/nutui](https://nutui.jd.com/h5/vue/4x/#/zh-CN/guide/intro): Mobile H5 Components [@nutui/nutui-taro](https://nutui.jd.com/taro/vue/4x/#/zh-CN/guide/intro): Taro Mini Programs(weapp, alipay, jd...) & Taro-H5 ## Links ### Official Ecosystem | Project | Description | | --- | --- | | [@nutui/nutui](https://github.com/jdf2e/nutui) | NutUI H5 | | [@nutui/nutui-taro](https://github.com/jdf2e/nutui) | NutUI Taro | | [@nutui/icons-vue](https://github.com/jdf2e/nutui-icons) | icons of `@nutui/nutui` | | [@nutui/icons-vue-taro](https://github.com/jdf2e/nutui-icons) | icons of `@nutui/nutui-taro` | | [@nutui/touch-emulator](https://github.com/jdf2e/nutui/tree/v4/packages/nutui-touch-emulator) | Using NutUI in desktop browsers | | [@nutui/playground](https://github.com/jdf2e/nutui/tree/v4/packages/nutui-playground) | NutUI Playground | | [nutui-demo](https://github.com/jdf2e/nutui-demo) | NutUI Demo | ### Community Ecosystem | Project | Description | | --- | --- | | [yang1206/uniapp-nutui](https://github.com/yang1206/uniapp-nutui) | uni-app UI Components based on NutUI 4.x | | [jwaterwater/uni-nutui](https://github.com/jwaterwater/uni-nutui) | uni-app UI Components based on NutUI 3.x | ## Cases NutUI has been used in our production environment, and widely used in the industry for cross-platform development.


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## Communication | WeChat Group | JD Dongdong Group | | --- |--- | | Reply 'NutUI' after following | 82957939 | ## Join Us ### NutUI Community [*Welcome To NutUI Community*](https://github.com/jdf2e/nutui/issues/1789) ### Contribute to NutUI There are some choices of contributing to NutUI as follows, solving issues, fixing bugs, adding new components, i18n, UI customization, platform and cross-end adaptation, etc. You are very welcome to contribute code to NutUI. Before your pull requests, please read [*NutUI Developer Contributing Guide*](https://github.com/jdf2e/nutui/issues/1671). ## Issue & Discussion [Report issues to NutUI](https://nutui.jd.com/nutui-issue-helper/?repo=jdf2e/nutui&lang=en) > It is highly recommended to read [*How To Ask Questions The Smart Way*](http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html), [*How To Ask Questions Of GitHub Community*](https://github.com/seajs/seajs/issues/545) and [*How to Report Bugs Effectively*](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html), then you can get understanding and help more easily. [NutUI Discussion](https://github.com/jdf2e/nutui/discussions) If you have any ideas, questions or suggestions, you can share your opinions here. ## Contributors Thanks to all the following [developers](https://github.com/jdf2e/nutui/graphs/contributors) who have contributed code to NutUI. contributors ## Release Notes [Release](https://github.com/jdf2e/nutui/releases). ## GitHub Stargazers ![stargazers](https://starchart.cc/jdf2e/nutui.svg)