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Counterfactual Explanations for Neural Recommenders

This repository contains data and the implementation of the ACCENT framework for two neural recommenders: Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF) and Relational Collaborative Filtering (RCF). Details of ACCENT can be found here:

All results in the paper were produced using the code at tag v1.0.

There are 2 subdirectories NCF and RCF which correspond to two recommender models exprimented in the paper. Each subdirectory contains a data folder with the necessary data for the model and a src folder with the source code of all explanation algorithms. NCF is further divided into 2 subfolders: influence contains all source code related to the implementation of influence functions, and scripts contains the implementation of NCF.

All supplementary materials (data, intermmediate results, pretrained models, virtual machine) can be download here.


To use this code, the following software are required:

  • Python 3.7
  • tensorflow 2.2.0
  • tensorflow-addons 0.11
  • numpy 1.19
  • pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • matplotlib

A virtual machine with all required software can be downloaded here. Username: accent, password: accent.

Alternatively, you can follow these steps to setup the environment from a fresh install of Ubuntu 20.04.

  1. Download the source code here and unzip.
  2. Inside the unzipped folder, run the following command to install all required packages.


We use the popular MovieLens 100K dataset (, which contains 100K ratings on a 1 − 5 scale by 943 users on 1682 movies. To conform to the implicit feedback setting in RCF, we binarized ratings to a positive label if it is 3 or above, and a negative label otherwise. We removed all users with < 10 positive ratings or < 10 negative ratings so that the profiles are big and balanced enough for learning discriminative user models. This pruning results in 452 users, 1654 movies, and 61054 interactions in our dataset.

A zip file containing all data can be downloaded here.

Alternatively, to preprocess data from the original MovieLens dataset, follow these steps:

  1. Download and unzip the original dataset here.
  2. Copy file to RCF/data.
  3. Run script to preprocess data
cd RCF/src
  1. New data is written to RCF/data/train.csv , RCF/data/test.csv, and movielens_train.tsv. Now copy data for NCF to the right directory:
cp movielens_train.tsv ../../NCF/data


For NCF, the data is in NCF/data/movielens_train.tsv. Each row consists of 4 tab-separated columns, representing an interaction between a user and a movie. The columns are:

  • User ID
  • Item ID
  • Rating (integer, from 1 to 5)
  • Timestamp


For RCF, the data is in RCF/data/train.csv. Each row is a comma-separated triple of a user and two items, where the user liked an item and disliked the other.

  • user: User ID
  • pos_item: Positive Item
  • neg_item: Negative Item

For RCF, metadata (genres, directors, actors) of movies and item-item relations are also required. This data was taken from the original RCF paper (

  • RCF/data/auxiliary-mapping.txt: this file contains metadata of movies. Each row represents a movie. Each row consists of 4 parts, separated by vertical bars (|):
    • Item ID
    • List of genre IDs
    • List of director IDs
    • List of actor IDs
  • RCF/data/relational_data.csv: this file contains 97209 item-item relations extracted from auxiliary-mapping.txt. Each row represents a relation, with 5 comma-separated columns:
    • head: the head item
    • type: type of relation (1: same genre, 2: same director, 3: same actor)
    • value: value of the relation (genre/director/actor)
    • tail_pos: the item which has this relation with head (positive item)
    • tail_neg: the item which does not have this relation with head (negative item).

Training Models


From the unzipped folder, run the following comands to start training an NCF model.

cd NCF/src


Similarly, an RCF model can be trained by running:

cd RCF/src

The final model will be saved in a directory named pretrain-rcf. A pretrained model can be downloaded here.

Running Experiment

For each algorithm, run the following commands to run the experiment. The script will generate explanations, retrain models, and evaluate results.


cd NCF/src
python3 --algo ALGO


cd RCF/src
python3 --algo ALGO

where ALGO indicates the explanation algorithm: "attention", "pure_att", "fia", "pure_fia", "accent". Results will be stored in CSV files: {ALGO}_{k}.csv with k = 5, 10, 20.

The percentage of true counterfactual sets and average size will be printed to the console. A result file has 452 rows (excluding the header), one for each user. Each row has the following columns:

  • user: ID of user
  • item: ID of the recommendation
  • topk: the original top-k items
  • counterfactual: the explanation found by the algorithm
  • predicted_scores: the predicted scores of the original top-k items
  • replacement: the predicted replacement item
  • actual_scores_0, ..., actual_scores_4: the actual scores of the top-k after 5 retrains
  • actual_scores_avg: the average scores of 5 retrains.

The precomputed result files are uploaded here.

Reproducing Table 1

To get the counterfactual percentage and average set size as presented in Table 1, run:

python3 --file {FILE}

where FILE is the result file of the algorithm that you want to evaluate.

Significance Testing

To perform significance testing between any pair of algorithms, follow these steps:

  1. Copy result files produced in the previous steps to the base directory.
  2. Run the script:
python3 compare --file {FILE1} --file2 {FILE2}

where FILE1 and FILE2 are the result files of algorithms that you want to compare. For example:

python3 --file fia_5.csv --file2 accent_5.csv

The script will print the following information:

  • The counterfactual percentage of each algorithm
  • A contingency table comparing two algorithms
  • The p-value of the McNemar's test comparing the counterfactual effect
  • The average counterfactual explanation size of each algorithm
  • The p-value of the t-test comparing these sizes.


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