name: biocom2 description: A new Flutter application. # The following defines the version and build number for your application. # A version number is three numbers separated by dots, like 1.2.43 # followed by an optional build number separated by a +. # Both the version and the builder number may be overridden in flutter # build by specifying --build-name and --build-number, respectively. # In Android, build-name is used as versionName while build-number used as versionCode. # Read more about Android versioning at # In iOS, build-name is used as CFBundleShortVersionString while build-number used as CFBundleVersion. # Read more about iOS versioning at # version: 1.0.0+1 environment: sdk: ">=2.1.0 <3.0.0" dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter # The following adds the Cupertino Icons font to your application. # Use with the CupertinoIcons class for iOS style icons. cupertino_icons: ^0.1.2 curved_navigation_bar: ^0.3.2 humanitarian_icons: ^0.1.0 flutter_screenutil: ^0.4.2 animated_text_kit: ^2.0.0 simple_animations: ^1.1.3 page_transition: ^1.1.4 ff_navigation_bar: ^0.1.5 custom_navigation_bar: ^0.2.6 flutter_icons: ^1.1.0 slide_popup_dialog: ^0.0.2 google_maps_flutter: ^0.5.27+2 fab_circular_menu: ^1.0.0 permission: ^0.1.7 google_map_polyline: html: ^0.14.0+3 flutter_svg: ^0.17.4 geolocator: ^3.0.1 modal_progress_hud: ^0.1.3 snack: ^1.0.4 geocoder: ^0.2.1 location: carousel_slider: gradient_app_bar: ^0.1.3 draw_graph: ^0.0.1 http: flutter_html: ^1.0.0 qr_code_scanner: ^0.0.13 time_range_picker: ^1.0.2 multiselect_formfield: ^0.1.3 step_progress_indicator: ^0.2.3+6 syncfusion_flutter_barcodes: ^18.2.44-beta amazon_cognito_identity_dart_2: ^0.1.14 platform_alert_dialog: ^1.0.0+2 searchable_dropdown: ^1.1.3 rflutter_alert: ^1.0.3 shared_preferences: ^0.5.8 localstorage: ^3.0.2+5 hive: ^1.4.1+1 hive_flutter: ^0.2.1 path_provider: ^1.3.0 dev_dependencies: flutter_test: sdk: flutter # For information on the generic Dart part of this file, see the # following page: # The following section is specific to Flutter. flutter: # The following line ensures that the Material Icons font is # included with your application, so that you can use the icons in # the material Icons class. uses-material-design: true assets: - assets/images/one.png - assets/image_01.png - assets/image_02.png - assets/doctor_vectors/ - assets/doctor_nobg/ - assets/images/ - assets/icons/ fonts: - family: Pacifico fonts: - asset: fonts/Pacifico-Regular.ttf - family: FredokaOne fonts: - asset: fonts/FredokaOne-Regular.ttf - family: Jost fonts: - asset: fonts/Jost-Regular.ttf - family: Merriweather fonts: - asset: fonts/Merriweather-Regular.ttf - family: Nunito fonts: - asset: fonts/Nunito-Regular.ttf - family: CustomIcons fonts: - asset: assets/CustomIcons.ttf - family: Poppins fonts: - asset: assets/Poppins-Regular.ttf - family: Montserrat fonts: - asset: assets/Montserrat-Regular.ttf - asset: assets/Montserrat-Bold.ttf - asset: assets/Montserrat-Medium.ttf - family: Poppins-Medium fonts: - asset: assets/Poppins-Medium.ttf - family: AbrilFatface fonts: - asset: assets/AbrilFatface-Regular.ttf # - family: Schyler # fonts: # - asset: fonts/Schyler-Regular.ttf # - asset: fonts/Schyler-Italic.ttf # style: italic # - family: Trajan Pro # fonts: # - asset: fonts/TrajanPro.ttf # - asset: fonts/TrajanPro_Bold.ttf # weight: 700