FROM thedrhax/android-sdk:6609375-6.7 # x86 emulation requires hardware acceleration # that requires access to /dev/kvm (--device /dev/kvm) # that requires running as root USER root RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y libqt5widgets5 socat supervisor net-tools \ && apt-get clean \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists /var/cache/apt ENV ABI="x86_64" \ TARGET="android-26" \ TAG="google_apis" \ NAME="Docker" \ ANDROID_LOG_TAGS="e" \ # Argument `-gpu guest -qemu -vnc :0` is required for VNC and noVNC to work # You can still override this variable: just add this argument to the end ANDROID_EMULATOR_EXTRA_ARGS="-skin 480x800 -gpu guest -qemu -vnc :0" \ noVNC="false" RUN mkdir -p ~/.android \ && touch ~/.android/repositories.cfg \ && $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/cmdline-tools/tools/bin/sdkmanager --verbose \ "tools" \ "platforms;${TARGET}" \ "system-images;${TARGET};${TAG};${ABI}" RUN git clone \ && cd noVNC \ && git checkout v0.6.2 \ && git clone utils/websockify ADD container / EXPOSE 5554 5555 ENTRYPOINT ["/"] CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]