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This requires Vagrant & VirtualBox. Trust me, it's gonna be great.

  • get freesurfer & mne packages (see below)
  • copy them to provision/ folder
  • run vagrant up
  • go get a coffee, maybe lunch
  • see provision/jupyter-lab.txt for URL to open

What do it do though?

  • sets up / compiles FSL, FreeSurfer, MNE, OpenMEEG, MRtrix3
  • & Python 3.6 w/ all required packages
  • starts a Jupyter Notebook & Lab instance to interact with software

The software is all available


  • freesurfer -> bem/headmat, dmr/trac, decim surf, ct/elec
  • subparc & trac -> conn
  • conn & dceim surf & headmat -> eeg/meg/bold fwd
  • & ct/elec -> seeg fwd

Get FreeSurfer & MNE

For academic reasons, these softwares require registration to get them. Place the packages in the provision/ subdirectory.

If you have access to our cluster, you should be able to copy them from the /soft/dl/ folder, but you still need to get a FreeSurfer license.


First, download FreeSurfer v6 for Linux


This can take a while as FreeSurfer is a large download.

While it's downloading, you should complete registration at

(which is free), and they will send you a small license file with some text like

[email protected]

which you should place in a text file at provision/freesurfer-license.txt.

MNE tools

MNE tools are yet another package which requires manual registration and download from


After registration, enter your email and password, and click Download. On the resulting page, click the MNE-2.7.0-3106-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz link.

Once the download is finished, place this file in the provision directory